Wikinews:Water cooler/miscellaneous/archives/2013/August

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20:52, 28 July 2013 (UTC)

I might not be able to deliver these later this month (away). Pi zero, can you take over for a little? PiRSquared17 (talk) 01:57, 8 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Please assist in costing original reporting

We are trying to assess the costs associated with original reporting across all Wikinews projects. If you have published any original reporting on any language Wikinews project, please complete . Thank you very much for your response. We are hoping to use it to develop budgets, apply for grants and develop metrics for project success. --LauraHale (talk) 08:07, 14 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Changing the Window Period

The 48 hrs window is too small for professionals involved with daily course of activities to work with wikinews in parallel. It will be nice if this 48 hrs window can be extended to 72 hrs hours at the max. This will enable the writer to have sufficient time for creating, editing and finally getting his/her article approved. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Ntu129 (talkcontribs) 10:44, 14 August 2013‎

Facts don't cease to be facts, but news ceases to be news. This isn't about what is convenient, but about how long after an event it ceases to be news. 48 hours is an estimate of how long is likely to be available after submission. Our general rule of thumb —for synthesis— is that it typically goes stale two to three days after the event; or, if there is new information come to light, a similar time after the information comes to light and no more than a week after the event. There are lots of factors that can shorten those times, though (for example, some articles age faster by nature; some stories are especially well covered in the mainstream media; new developments in the story might cause the article to be effectively out-of-date; new information come to light might not be significant enough to support freshness for another three days, or even two). And under some circumstances original reporting might stay fresh a little longer, or even a lot longer. (Some interviews can stay fresh for weeks; photo essays are treated like synthesis if the pictures are the only original element.)
The 48-hour estimate is actually on the long side. It's rarely possible to get a synthesis article written and submitted less than 24 hours after the event, leaving at most 48 hours before synthesis would go stale.
If you want to write an encyclopedia article about the event, we have a sister project that's an encyclopedia and will let you take as long as you like to do that. --Pi zero (talk) 13:29, 14 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
A few supplementary remarks. Most news events if presented as articles Wikipedia would get deleted for non-notability. Wikipedia articles are inherently not news articles, regardless of when they're created (I suppose this should be obvious, but not everyone has fully assimilated the news mindset). And news deadlines are harder on reviewers than on reporters — reporters get to choose when they want to write (and what they want to write about), but the functioning of the project asks reviewers to be available at any time to review material (that someone else thought was interesting). --Pi zero (talk) 13:54, 14 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

The Wikinewsie Group Newsletter - Edition 1, June 1, 2013

The Wikinewsie Group Newsletter

Sharing news about the group's activities
and things taking place on local Wikinews projects.

Key resources

Issue 1 - June 1/2, 2013

The Wikinewsie Group News

Since mid-April, supporters of The Wikinewsie Group have been quite active, doing a number of activities in support of the organization. These include selecting a provisional board, engaging in research projects, working to support original reporting, discussing setting up off-line events, and promoting our efforts and the broader work being done by Wikinews reporters.

  • On May 4, a meeting was held to select the provisional board. It was decided that the board would be composed of the following people: LauraHale (Chair), Pi zero, Brian McNeil, Bjarki, ProtoplasmaKid. The total number of people and roles was based on the draft bylaws. 18 people, a little under half of all people who were listed as supporters, attended the meeting. aff-comm has been advised of this, and that we are ready to discuss the group's bylaws with them. They have responded back to indicate their review will start shortly.
  • Tentative steps are being taken to have a Wikimedia conference in Iceland with a Wikinews workshop as a component of it. This would likely be in December to coincide with the 10th birthday of Icelandic Wikipedia. Having some discussions about the possibility of having a small Wikinews conference somewhere in Europe sometime in the next year.
  • Wikinews:GLAM was created after writing about previous experiences with GLAM projects on English Wikinews and content related to GLAMs across all projects. Hopefully, with groundwork underway, there should be two announcements about Wikinews and GLAM projects by the end of June that will build upon previous success.
  • It does not look like there is a single presentation about Wikinews at Wikimania in Hong Kong has been approved. Given that, plans are to have some sort of Wikinews meetup while there independent of the official tracks.
  • Efforts are underway to do a better job at translating articles from one language to another, and successfully guide them through any local review processes. This is not a one way street of material from English Wikinews to other languages: We have successfully had two articles start on Spanish Wikinews that were translated to English Wikinews, where they passed the local review process and were successfully published. Comments on this effort are welcome at The Wikinewsie Group/Project planning and User talk:LauraHale: WORTNET.
  • Efforts are underway to develop a matrix to understand key policy, community and content requirement differences between different Wikinews projects. Once complete, this should ease cross Wikinews collaboration by having a starting point to discuss content related issues when translating for review, and trying to standardize any policies across projects.
  • Four pieces of research have been completed. They include Blocks on English Wikinews, Wikinews:GLAM/Coverage, Research:Wikinews Review Analysis and English Wikinews and the Gender Gap. If you are doing any research, formally or informally, about any language Wikinews project, please share it with The Wikinewsie Group as it will help better inform our decisions.
  • The development of a reviewing tool for English Wikinews continues. There are some concerns that the future roll out of Lua may hinder this. Once complete, this tool should make it easier for reviewers to leave feedback and check articles against all criteria.
  • Migration of the server to Iceland should be complete by the end of June. Once funding is secure, one of the first upgrades to the server will be to create a secure server and a dedicated host in order to encourage more investigative reporting and reporting of embargoed news stories. The server could also be used for development of bots, and mobile reporting tools. The planning is being done to give The Wikinewsie Group cloud space to host reporting notes, video and audio to support journalism efforts.
  • Icelandic Wikinews and Malayalam Wikinews are both hosted on incubator. The Icelandic Wikimedia mailing list and Indian editors have been contacted to encourage local editors to get the projects viable to move to the main space.
  • On social media, a few The Wikinewsie Group supporters are answering questions about Wikinews on quora. This is part of an effort to expand awareness about the Wikinews in general.
  • Follow @wikinewsie, The Wikinewsie Group on Twitter. Please tweet us any original reporting you are aware of on any project so we can tweet about it.

Original reporting

This list is May 1 to May 15.

See also: Авторський репортаж.
See also: Wikinoticias:Reportajes originales sin notas, Artículos publicados.
See also: Оригинальные репортажи, Опубликовано.
See also: Førstehand, Publisert.
See also: Reportage original, Article publié.
See also: Notizia originale.
See also: 原创报导, 已发布.
See also: Reportatges originals.
See also: Materiały autorskie.
See also: Original reporting, Published.

Concept jaarplan en begroting 2014 Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland

Dit Nederlandstalige bericht is geplaatst in De Kroeg of soortgelijke pagina op de projecten Wikipedia, WikiWoordenboek, Wikibooks, Wikiquote, Wikisource, Wikispecies, Wikiversity, Wikivoyage, Wikinews, Commons, Wikidata, Outreach in de bestaande taalversies Nederlands, Fries, Limburgs, Nedersaksisch en Zeeuws van deze projecten.
Dit bericht is in de eerste plaats bedoeld voor mensen die in Nederland wonen.
Voel je vrij om dit Nederlandstalige bericht te vertalen in het Fries, Limburgs, Nedersaksisch of Zeeuws.
De Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland ondersteunt onder andere het werk van de vrijwilligers die op Wikipedia of een van de zusterprojecten daarvan actief zijn.

Een jaar geleden is een subsidie aangevraagd bij de Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) van de Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) middels een proposal form. De board van de WMF heeft de aanvraag gedeeltelijk toegekend in overeenstemming met de aanbeveling van de FDC.
Voor 1 oktober 2013, dient WMNL een proposal form bij de FDC in te dienen voor het jaar 2014. Net als vorig jaar wil WMNL dat doen op basis van een door de leden tijdens een ALV vastgesteld jaarplan en begroting. Tijdens de ALV van 23 maart 2013 is de volgende motie vastgesteld: "Het begrotingsproces dient zoveel mogelijk open en transparant te verlopen. Leden worden, zowel aan aan het begin van als gedurende het proces om tot een ontwerpbegroting te komen, om hun input gevraagd en actief betrokken," zie daarvoor ook de concept-notulen van de ALV 23 maart 2013.
De pagina jaarplan 2014 op de wiki van de vereniging staat open voor ieders bijdragen met ideeën over wat WMNL wel of niet zou moeten doen in het jaar 2014. Wat wil jij bijdragen aan het bereiken van de missie van de Wikimedia beweging? Hoe kan de Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland jou daar bij ondersteunen? Laat daar van je horen.


In het concept jaarplan zijn de volgende prioriteiten voor het jaar 2014 door de directeur benoemd. Het bestuur heeft op basis van een onderlinge peiling de volgorde van de prioriteiten bepaald.

  1. Meer vrijwilligers en meer bewerkers mobiliseren. Inzet van kantoorcapaciteit vooral op de activiteiten die hieraan maximaal bijdragen.
  2. Verbeteren van de interactie met de Wikipedia-gemeenschap.
  3. Inhoudelijk focus op één of twee (nieuwe) thema’s buiten het traditionele GLAM-bereik met groot potentieel om nieuwe bewerkers en vrijwilligers te werven
  4. Bestendigen en verder uitbouwen van huidige relaties met grote GLAM instellingen; selectief/kritisch zijn bij het honoreren van nieuwe verzoeken tot samenwerking.
  5. Verschillende doelstellingen op het gebied van communicatie met het grote publiek, leden- en donateurswerving aan elkaar koppelen door middel van één grote publiekscampagne.
  6. Verkennen van de mogelijkheden om op het terrein van educatie actief te worden, leidend tot een beslissing over het al dan niet ontwikkelen van een programma op dit terrein.

Er zijn diverse manieren om te reageren op concept jaarplan en begroting 2014. Uiteraard per mail, maar ook op:

  • Wikizaterdag 31 augustus is er de mogelijkheid om over concept te praten met enkele bestuursleden
  • 5 september 2013 bestuursvergadering, vaststellen concept dat naar de ALV gaat en het formulier voor de FDC-aanvraag
  • 15 september 2013 uiterste inzenddatum laatste amendementen voor behandeling tijdens ALV
  • 21 september 2013 de ALV stelt jaarplan en begroting 2014 vast

Gelet op het doel de interactie met de Wikipedia gemeenschap te verbeteren, vragen we ook aan de leden van de Wikipedia gemeenschap om hun vragen en opmerkingen bij het concept jaarplan 2014. Het gaat ook jou aan. Laat van je horen. Ad Huikeshoven (talk) 10:34, 28 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]