On Wednesday morning, two fourteen-year-old students and two school teachers died in a mass shooting at Apalachee High School near Winder, Georgia, United States. Up to 30 people were injured, authorities said. The suspect, Colt Gray, surrendered and is in custody.
The Bangladeshi Foreign Affairs office reported Tuesday that around eight thousand Rohingya Muslim refugees from Myanmar had entered the country in the past two months.
On August 24, NASA announced at a press conference Sunita Williams and Barry Wilmore would return home from the International Space Station (ISS) on a SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft in February 2025. The Boeing Starliner, the spacecraft which had been expected to transport the crew from ISS earlier in June, would return to Earth "un-crewed" — on autopilot with planned landing in a desert in New Mexico, possibly next month, the NASA announcement said.
On Saturday, in the ninth edition of the T20 Men's Cricket World Cup, Team India won against South Africa by seven runs. The final match was played at the Kensington Oval Stadium in Barbados.
The following is the first edition of a monthly series chronicling the 2024 United States presidential election. It features original material compiled throughout the previous month after an overview of polling and the biggest stories of the month.
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