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Comments:Observing the 2012 Human Trafficking Awareness Day in the US, and wider world

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comments from feedback form - "This week US citizens observed..."111:42, 12 April 2012
Supply and Demand018:12, 17 January 2012
Human trafficking312:40, 17 January 2012
Comments from feedback form - "there is a great book on amazo..."216:56, 15 January 2012
Fund Nasa better119:24, 14 January 2012

Comments from feedback form - "This week US citizens observed..."

This week US citizens observed National Human Trafficking Awareness Day through acts of education, legislation, and enforcement; whilst, around the world, other people highlighted or tackled this global problem in their own countries.

According to an annual report on human trafficking released by the US State Department in June last year, 27 million men, women and children are exploited through human trafficking. Worldwide, at least two million children are estimated to be trafficked victims of the sex trade; and, in military conflicts, it is not uncommon for children to be forced to bear arms. In releasing the report last year, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton highlighted the importance of international cooperation in addressing trafficking, and cultural issues associated with it.

Brown, orange and red are source countries, while light blue and dark blue countries are destinations for victims of human trafficking. Image: KVDP.Under the United Nations' Palermo Protocols, human trafficking encompasses cases where victims are born into slavery, forcibly transported for exploitation, consented to work with a trafficker, and/or were forced to participate in criminal activities. The Protocols also recognize the unique status and rights of children. (talk)08:45, 17 January 2012

We could do a lot more to interdict human trafficking, but of course that would require us to actually have and enforce immigration laws. And that of course would be racist. (talk)11:42, 12 April 2012

Supply and Demand

Not ALL human trafficing is for sex, although it would seem that most is. If not for sex, what are the other reasons for the demand for this human supply? Illegal adoption? Power? Laziness? What can be done to overcome the DEMAND, besides public physical castration of those caught and convicted of sex trafficing?

Christ4me (talk)18:12, 17 January 2012

Human trafficking

If the person buying or renting a human against thier will is a male ....CASTRATION!!!!!!!!! if it is a woman ??????Im against genital mutilation but if a women is raping a child then OFF WITH THIER ..........peace..Rula (talk)13:37, 13 January 2012

Call for castration; say you're against genital mutilation. (talk)19:26, 14 January 2012
Edited by author.
Last edit: 12:40, 17 January 2012

An extreme practice indeed, but the French did consider it; I'm not sure if they're unique among Westerners on that.
EDIT: I took a look back over the article; seems the French are far from unique.

Blood Red Sandman (Talk) (Contribs)22:43, 14 January 2012

Chemical castration is different to physical castration in that the effects are often reversible once you stop administering the drug.

Unfortunately, it's not so easy to re-attach severed genitals. (talk)10:05, 17 January 2012

Comments from feedback form - "there is a great book on amazo..."

there is a great book on amazon by new Author Paul Dubal called "Crimes Against Humanity" that is a great fictional reading on this topic. Very faced paced and based in Canada with ties to ROmania. Does a great job showing how us in western world can contribute to this issue by turing a blind eye. (talk)15:33, 14 January 2012

Westerners are responsible for all evil. (talk)19:25, 14 January 2012

Fund Nasa better

If we find aliens to enslave it will really take the burden off human slaves. (talk)18:59, 14 January 2012

I like the way you think. (talk)19:24, 14 January 2012