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Hotel quarantined after anthrax scare in US state of Michigan

From Wikinews, the free news source you can write!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Locator map of Michigan
Locator map of Michigan

A Midland, Michigan hotel was temporarily quarantined Thursday night when a letter with suspicious white powder was opened at the Ashman Court Hotel on Main Street.

A hotel employee is said to have opened the letter around 16:00 UTC time on Thursday. Shortly after, the police, FBI and HAZMAT teams were called to the building. Preliminary results from FBI tests showed that the envelope did not contain the deadly bacteria anthrax, as first thought.

Locator map of Midland, Michigan
Locator map of Midland, Michigan

The letter contained "a threat" according to local reports, however details were not released. It is also unknown as to what substance the white powder is.

This is the second anthrax scare on the city this year, exactly four months ago the Midland Daily News office, located across the street to the hotel, was sent a similar envelope with suspicious powder. It is not known if the two cases are related or not.

