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Interview with Navdeep Gill, City Council candidate for Wards 2 & 6 in Brampton, Canada

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Friday, September 22, 2006

Candidate Navdeep Gill.

The upcoming 2006 Brampton municipal election, to be held November 13, features an array of candidates looking to represent their wards in city council or the council of the Peel Region.

Wikinews contributor Nick Moreau contacted many of the candidates, including Navdeep Gill, asking them to answer common questions sent in an email. This ward's incumbent is John A. Hutton; also challenging Hutton is Derrick Coke, Jim Howell, Mathew Mburu Njenga, Joyce Rodriguez, and Doug Whillans.


This exclusive interview features first-hand journalism by a Wikinews reporter. See the collaboration page for more details.

Q: List the three most important issues in your campaign.

A: 1) Addressing council's management of development in Brampton;
(2) Addressing the concerns of our residents regarding their quality of life;
(3) Addressing environmental and gridlock concerns.

Q: What one election issue do you feel is most relevant to your ward in this election?

A: Most important is to manage and tackle issues that branch out from the recent development and influx of population that has taken place in the past three years.

Q: What qualities or experiences do you possess, that make you more desirable than the incumbent?

A: Brampton residents need to know that their quality of life is being looked after and addressed by individuals who are educated in policy and government; individuals who have the knowledge to actively pursue their vision of Brampton in the coming years.

Q: Why do you want to represent your ward on council?

A: I want to engage my community residents and I want to become an active member in a position where I can influence change and make a positive contribution for all residents

Q: Of the decisions made by council since the last election, which one would you have changed, and why?

A: I would have worked harder to ensure that infrastructure was addressed and being put into place before new developments were completed. The lack of management in this area has placed a greater tax burden on residents to cover costs.

Q: How are you currently involved in the community?

A: I am working alongside Model United Nations to raise political and diplomatic awareness amongst the youth. Engaging the youth has always been a strong concern for me.

Q: Much of Brampton's existing council is quite seasoned in the civic political process. What could you bring to the table as a "rookie", above and beyond the current roster of councillors?

A: I would respond to the changing needs of these changing wards. A fresh perspective is needed for the very reason that these wards are headed towards a fresh direction. The issues we are facing now and will be facing in the future are very different from the issues faced in the 1980s and the 1990s. We have a changing environment, an influx in population, increasing levels of multiculturalism, and a high level of growth and most importantly, a large number of growing youth, who are the future of our City and our wards.

Q: The Rose Theatre recently launched. What are your thoughts on this facility? Have you had a chance to tour it yet?

A: So far business has been good with the Rose Theatre as local Brampton residents and residents beyond our borders are taking advantage of the entertainment shows. Of course the long-term success of the theatre is to be seen. My hope is that it will continue to provide successful shows as it has the potential to bring a lot of investment into our city. Yes I have visited the theatre.

Q: The province has strongly encouraged the development of high-density residences near the downtown. Do these buildings fit in with your vision of the downtown? How much say should other levels of government have in urban planning?

A: The choice belongs to the residents and my vision will coincide with the vision of those I represent.

Q: How do you feel about Brampton's rate of expansion? Council recently capped the annual amount of new development; do you agree completely with this decision, would you have slowed development even further, or not have imposed a cap at all?

A: It is good that Brampton slowed it down, as the process was out of control to begin with. Development is good, but only if it is managed well. Brampton should have expanded in increments instead of sporadic developments springing up in all corners. This has resulted in gaps leaving residents with a much larger tax burden to fill, rather than the lower costs that would have been achieved if Brampton had managed their expansion more efficiently.

Q: Why should businesses be attracted to locating in Brampton?

A: We are still a young city with much potential. We have a skilled population and any business would find great success for their future prospects.

Q: How could Brampton further itself in attracting corporate investment?

A: By showcasing a strong and efficient reputation as a city that is capable of effective management.

Q: Why have you chosen to involve yourself in the political process?

A: As a political science graduate I have long since targeted a profession in the political process, where I can use my strengths and my knowledge to help represent the views of my residents. The reason why I have chosen to join Council now is because I strongly feel there is a need for a committed and active representative. A fresh voice is needed.

Q: What does Brampton mean to you?

A: As a long-time resident of Brampton, it has meant a safe and clean neighbourhood where people can raise their families and enjoy a good quality of life. Working hard in council for me would be a way to help ensure that this sort of environment continues for future generations.


The order of questions in this interview has been changed, however everything else is intact as Ms. Gill responded to Wikinews. The entire original text can be read on the article's talk page.