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Talk:Israeli Health minister Ya'akov Litzman resigns in protest after Jews made to work on Jewish rest day

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Latest comment: 7 years ago by Pi zero in topic Review of revision 4367570 [Passed]



The headline needs to specify what country's health minister is involved. --Pi zero (talk) 15:27, 27 November 2017 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for fixing that. --Pi zero (talk) 05:01, 28 November 2017 (UTC)Reply
I hope you don’t delete the redirect. This is an example I am going to use for WN:Headline. (you can see in the rename log)
•–• 05:16, 28 November 2017 (UTC)Reply
I don't like the idea, for most situations, of using bad examples in explaining things. --Pi zero (talk) 23:27, 29 November 2017 (UTC)Reply



We're talking about a weekly day of rest, which is not clear from the explanation of Shabbat in the article. The use of the term "Shabbat" in the current headline is awkward, adding nothing sufficient to compensate; dropping it, one wonders if one might take advantage of the shortening to put in some sort of further explanation. --Pi zero (talk) 05:01, 28 November 2017 (UTC)Reply

(headline) just saying Shabbat would raise eyebrows of many, who knows the meaning of a word with similar spelling Sabbath, but then they would say, are those things same? (It has happened in the past). Dropping it, we are hiding significant information.
(Article) in the lede, it says “Sabbath — Jewish holy rest day.” That is all the explanation I think is enough for this day. That is what one would find in the dictionary.
•–• 05:12, 28 November 2017 (UTC)Reply
A dictionary would be much more specific (cf. wikt:Shabbat). Whether the headline needs to explain it at all, I'm not so sure; headlines always have a cut-off in how much they explain, it's a matter of what the headline-writer deems most important. I'm thiking on it, but if it takes me long to think, this will have gone past the end of its third day. :-S  --Pi zero (talk) 21:28, 29 November 2017 (UTC)Reply

Review of revision 4367570 [Passed]
