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Talk:Observing the 2012 Human Trafficking Awareness Day in the US, and wider world

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Latest comment: 12 years ago by Pi zero in topic Layout error

This article is a featured article.
It is considered one of the best works of the Wikinews community.
See the archived discussion.



Hi, thanks for the interest in the article! I started this idea a couple of days ago before the official observance of NHTAD began as a story in preparation. I posted an invite for collaboration as well. I have been monitoring for events and that is why there are sources but no text yet. The article is now in development. It is really in the very beginning stages and so the clean up tag that has been posted is, well, obvious. But you can keep it there if you want. Will be getting back to this soon. Thanks, Crtew (talk) 16:49, 11 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

Just seeking clarity. :-)  Though the headline does need to be more specific. I've pared it back to {{develop}}. --Pi zero (talk) 16:55, 11 January 2012 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for your help, although I'm still not sure how advance stories should be handled with the tags. There is a category for Story Preparation and Developing but I must be missing the information about how to put an article on the right path. Appreciate the assistance! Crtew (talk) 17:04, 11 January 2012 (UTC)Reply
For a story being set up a mere two days in advance, {{develop}} will do fine. (There was some confusion over probably-mistakenly-placed tags early in the life of this article.) A story being set up much further in advance might be placed in Story preparation (though I'm not a fan), or if the author really wants to work on it alone for a while they might put it in their userspace. Part of the point of story preparation is, I believe, that those stories are supposed to not be indexed by search engines (which is important if, say, one is preparing an obituary for someone who's not dead yet). --Pi zero (talk) 17:32, 11 January 2012 (UTC)Reply
Thanks! You made that point a lot clear to me. Thank you for all your help on this article Pi Crtew (talk) 02:21, 14 January 2012 (UTC)Reply



The headline needs to be specific. WN:SG#Headlines. "Tell the most important and unique thing"; the headline should encapsulate the news event, but here it encapsulates a broad process into which the news event fits. --Pi zero (talk) 07:07, 12 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

Review of revision 1367394 [Not ready]


As I've got the sources all loaded in browser tabs, I'd hope (knock wood) to be able to move comparatively smoothly once this initial round of issues is cleared up. Suspect there'll be some tweaking to do on a few paragraphs to make them fit into the whole; and besides the unknown source-checking issues, there's wikilinking and categorizing. --Pi zero (talk) 09:47, 12 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

Multi-contributor critique


This article has sort-of proven a point most longer-term contributors know, but haven't clearly articulated.

That is, Wikinews articles are particularly difficult to produce as a collaborative effort. If multiple individuals each contribute one or more paragraphs, then there is likely to be a disjoint in the flow between the sections by different authors.

I've left some recommendations on Crtew's talk page, and hope these can be used to address this concern. But, at some point it needs added into Wikinews' "knowledge base" for future reference. --Brian McNeil / talk 16:22, 12 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

Thank you


Pi and Brian,

It was helpful for me to see both of your thoughts about this article before the rewrite.

The original concept behind the article was a round up, such as "10 things to do while you're in Paris," only about NHTAD. The round-up article lent itself to the initial bulleted style, but you were both absolutely right: the draft was disjointed. It was as if 14 people had each contributed one random idea, although it wasn't quite as bad as a Dada experiment! I had provided direction in this part of the process by actually selecting all the articles that could be relevant beforehand.

The distributed authorship was "simplified" by each person taking one article and providing a brief summary of their article, but it still need a "rewrite" person, which is also what happens at Time magazine and other publications when multiple journalists are assigned a topic. Pi was right; different people introduced problems. I hope I've at least improved on the lack of flow, corrected some of the problems, although I couldn't completely break free from the bullets.

It seems to me there is a lot of potential for "Assignments" because one resource Wikinews has is reach in terms of staff. Even though the Wikibureaus never quite seemed to have taken off, it was a great idea! I've been equally amazed as I've scoured the French, German and Spanish sisters of Wikinews, too! Wikinews is a news organization that actually still has foreign desks!!! Most commercial news organizations have long deleted the foreign offices and now have roving star journalists who know nothing about the place they are in except for what the local handler tells them. If only Wikinews could capitalize on this asset.Crtew (talk) 07:56, 13 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

Review of revision 1368770 [Passed]


Thank you for giving this your attention Brian! Crtew (talk) 02:25, 14 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

Hidden Category


Category:Crtew (Wikinewsie)

Done --Pi zero (talk) 04:01, 13 February 2012 (UTC)Reply

Add Hidden Category


{{editprotected}} Category:Jzevans (Wikinewsie)

Category:Mr_awmorris (Wikinewsie)

Category:Slynnr.2013 (Wikinewsie)

Category:Inpayne (Wikinewsie)

Category:Srbealor (Wikinewsie)

Category:Kelsey_lyn (Wikinewsie)

Category:Sshall4 (wikinewies)

Category:Patmhickey (Wikinewsie)

Category:Jdbethel (Wikinewsie)

Category:Abram samuelson (Wikinewsie)

Category:Delexmer (Wikinewsie)

Add Hidden Category correction


{{editprotected}} The category "Category:Jzevans (Wikinewsie)" is there but it doesn't have the brackets around it. Thanks

Layout error



Please change

== Sources == {{FA}}


== Sources == 

to render the sources section correctly. Srinivas 15:13, 24 February 2012 (UTC)Reply

Done --Pi zero (talk) 15:26, 24 February 2012 (UTC)Reply