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Talk:Vancouver-Kingsway riding is clash between NDP and Liberals

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Latest comment: 16 years ago by Anonymous101 in topic Review

Original reporting notes


In addition to a couple hours researching every candidate in various resources from Government filings to their ancient online history in archive.org... (this is tongue-in-cheek, implying that most reasonably well-written news articles on Wikinews involve the same level of research as so-called professional or mainstream media) An e-mail from one of the candidates 29 Sept. 2008:

Hello Wayne,
Thanks for your email.
The main issues in this riding seem to be changing over the course of the campaign.  Accountability and representation seem to remain very important local factors for obvious reasons.  Early on there was considerable debate about which candidates actually live in the riding (I am one of those who do live here).  That seems to be getting less attention now, but the general absence of the Conservative candidate is an issue for people.

The cuts to arts and culture, and the attitude of the Conservative government toward the arts has also been on the minds of people I have been talking to.  Overcrowding on public transit and the need for improvements in basic service is also important.
Probably the biggest area of concern is economic.  Social issues such as poverty, and especially the lack of affordable housing are being raised regularly, and the loss of low cost rental units is having an impact.  In the last few days, of course, concern about the strength of the economy as a whole and the effects of the US financial crisis has been on the minds of more and more residents.
From the perspective of my own campaign, I am focusing on the economic issues. promoting our National Affordable Housing Program and empahsizing programs to support local business and community economic development.  I see the neighbourhoods in and around Kingsway as a great place to build on the natural vibrancy of the small business sector as a backbone for ethnically and economically diverse communities.

Doug Warkentin

Campaign to Elect Doug Warkentin
Green Party Candidate for Vancouver-Kingsway
745 East 30th Ave
Vancouver, BC
V5V 2V8
doug.warkentin[ AT ]greenparty.ca

> From: [edited]
> To: [edited]
> Subject: Candidate statement
> Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2008 12:51:51 -0700
> Hi! I'm a freelance (citizen) journalist with en.wikinews.org, and I'm 
> working on an article about the Vancouver-Kingsway campaign. The 
> article will be published on the wiki, and will be carried on such 
> aggregators as news.google.ca.
> What I'm interested in is any comments you might wish to make about 
> the issues facing Vancouver-Kingsway in the upcoming election, 
> especially as related to the diversity of the riding.
> Regards,
> Wayne Saewyc

