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Technology innovations unveiled on Research at Intel Day 2008

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Intel also showcased Vpro technology at Microsoft TechEd 2008 in Orlando, Florida in the same day.
Image: Michael Sandoval.

The "2008 Research @ Intel Day" showcased conceptual innovations in the fields of visual computing, wireless, health care, environment, and life sciences.

Last Wednesday, Intel said it is investing some of its $6 billion research budget in the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California.

Technology related to mobile computing, green technology, WiMAX and wireless networking, solutions for healthcare with SHIMMER and BioMOBIUS technology, an intelligent identification robot named "BarKeep", and Platform Power Management, were showcased there.

In the keynote address, Justin Rattner, Intel Senior Fellow and Corporate Vice President and director of Intel's Corporate Technology Group, introduced the history of microprocessors and said: "Parallel Computing will be a critical factor on programming for the best experience to users."
