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I am not intersted in Politics but observe Human nature and trying to learn History. This is how I see the recent episode, which is the consequence of the Domino effect. A Western Super Power made an error judgement by invading a Sovereign Nation and carried out a Public Assasination of an Individual allegedly responsible for committing heinous crime. (As a consequence many independent sleeper cells are woken up and running amok in the World). Recent public admission of innocent children killed due to technical error enraged victims. (Alternate Media channels are fuelling hatred towards the Western World and trying to make a political point). Recent request for removal of UAV Base in a Soverign Country was ignored. A north African Sovereign Country's invasion was justified by U.N(not unanimous due to African Council, China and Russia opposing/abstaining). That leader warned about dire consequences. There is no point in verbal condemnation of Terrorism when Kamakazi style sympathisers take indiscriminate violent repraisal. Selfish arrogant Modernity has devalued Fellow Human Life and justify collateral damage. Humility and admission of Guilt and Public Stance for Global Truce can only salvage the Planet from escalting disaster. Hiroshima & Nagasaki were vitims last time. It is never too late to learn lessons. Leaders who have Blood in their Hands must come together(non-egoistic & breaking political stalemate is mandatory). Initial meeting will be to forgive and forget the past, shake hands and agree to disagree. Global misery is imminent otherwise. The Country which always took the lead for other national and international peace-treaty has been a Victim now. It is time for the Nobel Peace Prize Winner to take the Noble Action NOW.

Rajveetee (talk)18:10, 23 July 2011