Comparison, unusual, surprising, and humbling.

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Hmm... So you're saying the US government should be like the Chinese government. (talk)23:49, 21 July 2010

I don't see any comparison data on the points he provided. I'd like to see a detailed analysis of the 2 responses done by a 3rd party.

On whether US governing methods are better than the Chinese one, I firmly believe that the questions should not be brushed aside as obvious by the same ideological theoretical statements, but to be answered with concrete numbers on specific aspects of society and a throughout debate, by neutral parties.

As an example as is, with no other implication, a regime that jails 10 activists but lifts 10 million people out of poverty may be argued to be better than the one that jails none but only lifts 5 million.

One intelligent official who corrupts 10 thousands but creates 1 million may be better for the people than a dumb one who corrupts nothing but makes a loss.

I'm not saying there is any correlation between these things, and it would certainly be better to have ideal worlds where the Wall Street people donate all their money to the charity. But it is often necessary to chose a devil and it is not always obvious which one is greater 10 years later.

Funicode (talk)01:04, 22 July 2010

The Chinese Should Try Opressing The Oil Spill, It Works on The Tibetans....

BKCW8 talk07:19, 22 July 2010

There are many problems in China, but efficiency in handling oil spills is definitely not one of them.

Yes, USA government should be more like the Chinese government when it comes to handling oil spills. Not on many other topics, though.

Fail strawman is fail. (talk)09:22, 22 July 2010