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Some fluoride proponents exhibit clear evidence of the toxicity of the neuro Toxin Fluoride as they seem to be oblivious to the evidence, that is massive and growing, that Fluoride is a very toxic poison even in minute quantities and does nothing to stop dental decay....some Fluoride proponents are also quite biased as they are invested into the medical and Pharmaceutical Industries and world genome project and are intent on killing off and reducing the brain capacities of billions so those in control of the world's finances can continue to scam them unaware and carry out their plans without resistance...Intelligent populations are not easily scammed by schemes designed to weaken and reduce intelligence..But since this has been taking place for fifty years we only have to look at our nations school ratings and we can see how we rate against places that do not use fluoride....Our Children's IQ levels have gone down!!! (talk)20:55, 2 November 2011