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Knowledge is the elixir of life. It helps in spreading humanity. Bhagvad Gita says:-" The wise sees knowledge and action as one; they see truly ". Vivekananda De.

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hi-N इस सदस्य को हिन्दी का मातृभाषा के समान ज्ञान है।
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
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A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
This translator translates from
English to Hindi.
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
This translator translates from
Hindi to English.

Account in english Wikipedia

I am also available at


Vivekananda De--tAlK