Category:May 14, 2006

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News briefs


The time is 18:00 (UTC) on May 14th, 2006, and this is Audio Wikinews News Briefs.



A riot has broken out at the main prison in Haiti and gunshots have been heard inside. The prison is locatd within a few miles of the Parliament building. United Nations Peacekeepers are on scene and have surrounded the prison. According to the Associated Press, at least 100 prisoners are on the roof of the prison and are holding what looks to be 2 dead bodies, however; no casualties have been officially reported. the AP also reports that prisoners are saying "freedom or death" and are holding a banner saying "Justice."

United States

In a statement released on Thursday, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said that ICRC President Jacob Kellenberger "deplored the fact that the U.S. authorities had not moved closer to granting the ICRC access to persons held in undisclosed locations." The ICRC started making requests to get access to all U.S. detainees, including the ones held in alleged secret prisons, over two years ago.

United States

Federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald announced on Friday that he will introduce new evidence in the perjury and obstruction of justice case against former Vice Presidential chief of staff Lewis "Scooter" Libby. One of the new pieces of evidence consist of hand-written notes that Vice President Dick Cheney left on the margins of ambassador Joseph Wilson's OpEd column questioning the administration's handling of WMD evidence in the run-up to the Iraq war.


In a move designed to both clarify existing copyright law, and extend existing provisions to digital media users, the Australian Attorney-General has announced a proposed update of copyright law. The new law, described as "commonsense amendments", will clarify provisions allowing individuals to legally record programs and transfer recordings between media such as CD and MP3 for private use, whilst at the same time ensuring that unauthorised copying and usage remains illegal.

United States

Lead programmer of Microsoft Word, Joe Friend, wrote on his blog that new version of Microsoft Word (which will be a part of Microsoft Office 2007 suite) will have blog editing and publishing functions.

Sports - rugby

The Bulls rugby team has managed to reach the semi-finals of the Southern Hemisphere provincial rugby union competition, the Super 14. Despite entering the match with the burden of having to score 32 points and receiving a bonus point (by scoring four tries). The Bulls managed to overcome fellow South African team, the Stormers, at Newlands Stadium in Cape Town on Saturday May 13, winning the match 43 points to 10 in the final round of the regular season.

Closing statements

We invite you to visit for up-to-date news and information. This has been Audio Wikinews Newsbriefs. Thank you for listening, and enjoy the rest of your day. This recording has been released under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
