Gormley's statue Another Place stays in Sefton, UK

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Thursday, March 8, 2007

Antony Gormley's artwork Another Place is to stay on Crosby Beach.

Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council changed its mind after revised plans were put in relocating some of the statues in order to reduce impact on wildlife and danger to visitors. Bootle Town Hall was packed for the meeting of the planning committee which was attended by Mr Gormley.

The original plan had been for a 2 year placement at the beach. However when it was decided to transfer the statues to another site, several local campaign groups were started with the intention of keeping the statues.

Afterwards, Mr Gormley said:It's wonderful that a piece of beach should become a permanent place of contemplation and reverie. I'm a sailor and I understand that people feel their ability to use coastal waters is being diminished, but I do not believe the loss is as great as they’re saying.

After plans to move 19 statues where submitted, 13 where to be removed from the area around a coastguard station and three to improve emergency access and the rest from the birds feeding area. Councillors voted nine to five to keep the work.

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency still want the work removed as it draws visitors into areas of the beach were they can become stuck. While directors of art organisations in the area such as Liverpool Biennial have expressed support for the decision.


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