Six-year development framework for Sudan released by UN

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Friday, March 11, 2005

The Joint Assessment Mission between the World Bank and the United Nations released on March 9, 2005, a plan for the development of Sudan over the six years remaining between January's peace agreement and the vote in 2011, in which southern Sudan will decide whether to break away from the north. The plan, titled "Framework for Sustained Peace, Development and Poverty Eradication in Sudan," describes two phases, the first through 2007, the second through mid-2008. The first phase will focus on emergencies and the repatriation of refugees, while the second will consist of "major infrastructural programs", according to the Sudan Tribune.

While the majority of the $7.8 billion needed for the development described in the plan will come from sources within the country, the plan asks for $2.66 billion from other countries. According to Reuters, the UN's Joint National Transition Team will hold a conference to ask for money in Norway in April.
