Talk:Brazilian Minister of Culture says that he smoked marijuana until the age of 50

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Publisher notes


--Carlosar 11:51, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Tranlating the newspaper source


Ao defender a descriminalização das drogas, o ministro da Cultura, Gilberto Gil, que foi preso na década de 70 com maconha, disse que deixou de fumar aos 50 anos. "Não fumo mais. Deixei [a maconha] quando fiz 50 anos."

  • Translated to English using Babel Fish:

When defending the descriminalização of the drugs, the minister of the Culture, Gilbert Gil, who was imprisoned in the decade of 70 with marijuana, said that it left to smoke to the 50 years. "Not tobacco more. I left [ marijuana ] when I made 50 years."


  • "disse que deixou de fumar aos 50 anos" (source) -> "said that it left to smoke to the 50 years" (babelfish)-> "said that he stopped smoking when he was 50" (corrected)
In Portuguese when we want do say our age we say "we have" instead of "we are" in English. That is why the translator got confused in this part.

Other English sources


Unfortunately I didn't find other good sources in English. Since this is a regional news at some extent, there are a lot of sources in Portuguse but almost none in English. However I think that you can check the story besides that. --Carlosar 11:51, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)