Akayev signs resignation agreement

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Sunday, April 3, 2005

Deposed Kyrgyz president Askar Akayev signed a resignation agreement today.

Deposed President of Kyrgyzstan Askar Akayev said that he had signed his resignation in the Kyrgyz embassy in Moscow Sunday. He said an official resignation ceremony would take place Monday.

The signing of his document came after two and a half hours of talks with a delegation from the Kyrgyz parliament, including Speaker Omurbek Tekebayev. Akayev said a resignation document was drawn up during the meeting.

"We have approved a very good and historic document," Akayev said after signing his resignation. It will "pave the way for finding a way of out the political crisis that Kyrgyzstan has found itself in."

Tekebayev said the agreement "will ensure peace and legitimacy."

While full details of the document were not available, Akayev said Russia and Kazakhstan were listed as guarantors. Akayev also said that under the agreement, parliament would pass a resolution recognizing his privileges as a former head of state - namely, immunity from prosecution. He and his family are widely seen as corrupt in Kyrgyzstan.

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