Discriminatory job ad by Central Bank of Turkey asks for men only

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Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey recently published a job advertisement that asked for a male document officer. A member of SHP, a mainstream Turkish political party, criticized the ad, stating that

This ad is against the 10th article of constitution, the 11th article of UN Agreement to Eliminate All Discrimination, and the EU legislation. It is also a crime according to the constitution.

Trying to defend their position, the Central Bank officials stated that the job of a document officer is not a desk job, that it requires physical power, and that it is not suitable for women. They stated that they published the ad as it was in order not to give false hopes to prospective female job applicants.

Although the traditional, patriarchal approach in Turkey does not regard women's employment positively, feminist organizations are actively working to end gender discrimination in Turkey.
