Pranab and Oli discuss Nepal peace talks

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Monday, November 6, 2006

The Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee has talked with the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Nepal K P Sharma Oli to discuss the status of ongoing peace talks with the Maoist rebels.

Oli met Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Pranab Mukherjee during his visit in New Delhi. Oli discussed the situation of the peace negotiations between the Nepal government and Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist). He provided them an overview about the efforts being made by government to persuade the Maoists to quit the arms.

During an-hour long talk between Mukherjee and Oli, they reviewed the implementation of the economic package announced after Koirala's visit to India in June. They also discussed about the key infrastructure projects in Nepal, like, export of power from India to Nepal and construction of transmission lines.

The talk was important as Maoist and Nepal government are trying to resolve the issue. Maoist chief Prachanda met Nepal Prime Minister G P Koirala in the presence of United Nations Secretary General's special representative Ian Martin on Sunday. During the meeting they tried to sort out most of the issues regarding crucial arm management issue and agreed to hold fresh talk on Monday.
