Talk:Canada's Don Valley East (Ward 33) city council candidates speak

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Latest comment: 15 years ago by Skenmy in topic Another typo
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(ALL, 300 WORDS MAX) - Describe the three most important issues in your campaign.

Locally, completing a storm-water retention system for North York’s flooded areas. Controlling and mitigating the impacts of subway-induced development.

Globally, completing a long-term solid-waste strategy for the city of Toronto. A comprehensive environmental assessment process has already been launched, under my leadership of the Works committee and I intend to see it through.

(ALL, 100 WORDS MAX) - What one election issue do you feel is most relevant to your ward in this election?

Part of mitigating development impact is bringing about better traffic and transit management. Residents of Don Valley East are passionate about both these elements of city life.

(ALL, 200 WORDS MAX) - Why have you chosen to involve yourself in the political process?

I entered politics in 1995, concerned about a better education system and ultimately a better City for my own children. I felt that a better future for them could only be achieved by building a stronger community for everyone. After 10 years, I find the work constant but endlessly rewarding.

(ALL, 100 WORDS MAX) - Why do you want to represent this particular ward on council?

Ward 33 always feels like a microcosm of the whole City of Toronto to me. Residents of all backgrounds are engaged in civic issues like never before. They they want a city that supports the next generation economically and socially, and we need a City that supports their hard work.

(ALL, 300 WORDS MAX) - How are you currently involved in the community?

Serving first as a School Board Trustee and now as City Councillor has spread my community involvement across a broad range of activities. I visit and participate in multi-cultural seniors organizations, childrens’ service providers, and residents’ associations. I have created two new additions to the list of resident/ratepayer associations as well as running my own Ward Advisory Council.

(ALL, 100 WORDS MAX) - What does Toronto mean to you?

Toronto is at the edge of becoming the North American City that shows all of the others how to grow without compromising the quality of life and the environment. The decisions we make will serve as an example of how a progressive city should act. Our Youth Strategy, which I helped author, asks that we never create another City initiative without asking if we are leaving youth or the marginalized behind. As Works Committee Chair, I always ask, “How does this benefit the environment?” We have to lead by example, and I hope to build a city that does.

(ALL, 200 WORDS MAX) - Which council decision (since the 2003 election) do you feel the city/your ward should be most proud of, and which was least desirable?

A high point was when Council supported my Civic Youth Strategy. They approved not only a strategy which demands meaningful employment and empowerment of Youth, but also a process to allow Youth themselves to determine the membership of our Toronto Youth Panel. This panel will report to council as well as have council’s initiatives reported to them for direct input.

A low point was when Council turned down my motion to start an office of Civic Engagement attached to the City Manager’s office. This is absolutely crucial to a more engaged, united and more equitable City. Informal and upstart community groups need help, advice, access to resources, and networks – things we have to offer, but aren’t equipped to share. I will be bringing the concept back to a new term of Council.



Anderson Tung


More information can be found on at [1]or at [2]

Dear Fellow Torontonians,

I am Anderson Tung. I have lived and worked in Greater Toronto for more than 30 years. I have been employed in both public and private sectors, and have a profound understanding of the social, political, economic and cultural fabric of toronto, ontario, and canada. I know, and have known the good and the bad, the right and self-righteous, and now rest assured justice has come for those that most deserve it.

My social, political, economic vision of Toronto is for us to be the microcosm and leader of our world. Public policy to me, is applying the mathematical principles to equality, justice, and public good -- to the Nth degree -- to resolve the problems that face human civilization in the 21st century.

I run for councilor in Ward 33 to confront these challenges with all my energies, knowledge, and experiences, because government leaders and the "sith lords" in Toronto City council have chosen to do nothing. City council remains complicit towards abusive TTC and Police unions, indifferent in solving the issues that face a growing multicultural society, complicit in addressing child poverty, indifferent on policies of gay marriage, aids and abates those who refuse to stand up against injustice in our society. This will soon change.

I have for the past 5 years been fighting Municipal, Provincial, and Federal governments over the most fundamental reforms, and only by threats of impeechment have I achieved the demands that should have been execute so many years ago. I am now here to finish what I began.

A free and democratic society is not top-down, power comes from the people, and remains with the people. In Canada, politicians do not have the power, the balance of power remains with the people, the media, and the courts. One can change society through anyone or all of these means. City council is one vehicle, one tool which citizens may use to demand reforms from their government. I chose to use all these tools for what I perceive to be public good, fair, and just.

Politics has less to do with corruption and bribery, than making the equitable and just decisions that resolve societies growing challenges. I am one of the few people in this world who cannot be bribed or sold out to special interest groups.

JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED! ________________________________

Public Policy Objectives:

1) Freeze property taxes for the next 5 years, and police budget for 10 years, redirect funds to health, education, environment, and industrial capital investment.

2) 1 year property tax moratorium for all homes south of hwy 7, west of McCowan Rd., North of McNicoll, and East of Warden Ave. for Toronto and York police media terrorism.

3) Raise property taxes on Walmart, Costco, and other multinationals by 100% as permitted by constitutional law. While cutting corporate property taxes by 50% over 5 years.

4) Dismantle TTC and Police Unions and ban all "essential services" from strike without arbitration of wage compared to other public professions. AND Freeze all unionized wages for next 10 years.

5) Upload 50% of toronto police officers, resources, and budget to federal RCMP jurisdiction.

6) Bring all municipal operational policing under civilian councillors and MPP jurisdiction.

7) Ban all police fabrications in media to one per borough per year, unless with a court order of strong prima facie evidence.

8) Limit government and boards to equal representation by religion and race.

9) Encourage private and public sector product and service innovation to reduce deficits by Ricardian growth, NOT economic stagnation.

10) Limit any one union, religious group, special interest group from being nominated for city council committees and boards to 5% of committee vote.

11) Review municipal, provincial, and federal health care funding model, and propose 30% private model.

12) Review privatization of police, emergency services, and TTC.

13) Recapitalize transportation projects and offer strategy for unified transit system in GTA.

14) Initiate private and public partnerships for wind generation, Heat Exchange, and biomass production facilities in and around current and former land fill sites.

15) Review privatization of Waste Management and recycling facilities.

16) Review finance and capital requirements of city budget, deficits, bonds, debentures, securities, and propose increased financial returns through risk free return assets and arbitrage.




'They they' => The quote is correct, so [sic] should be added. Van der Hoorn (talk) 13:32, 6 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

DoneGopher65talk 02:44, 7 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

Another typo


"wether" => "wether [sic]" Van der Hoorn (talk) 12:37, 24 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

Done --Skenmy talk 12:09, 4 April 2009 (UTC)Reply