Turkish minister says 'camel wasn't enough'

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

File:The story of the smiling camel.jpg

Wikinews reported previously that after finding out that he will not have to service a troublesome brand of British-made planes, RJ-100, at the airport, Şükrü Can, the manager of Turkish Airlines (THY) maintenance service, slaughtered a camel right on the tarmac of Istanbul's Ataturk Airport.

The Transportation Minister of Turkey, Mr. Binali Yıldırım commented yesterday (Dec 20th) on the incident in a parliament session, backing the slaughter of a camel by THY's personnel. He said

The where and when of this was wrong. It demonstrates that our friends [THY personnel] were so fed up with these planes, they thought the only way to get rid of such a bad contract was to chop a camel. However, if they did this in a closed space and as a proper sacrifice, it would have been better.
