Ukrainians rally in memory of Donbass dead

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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"I am - Volnovakha". Peace march in memory of victims of People's Republic of Donetsk in Kyiv

Thousands of Ukrainians in Kyiv took part on Sunday in marches in memory of reported victims of Donetsk People's Republic militants in a tragedy on January 13 near Volnovakha in Donetsk Oblast. On that day reportedly thirteen people on a bus were killed and sixteen wounded when separatists struck the bus with a Grad missile launcher near a Ukrainian checkpoint.

The same marches also took place in other major Ukrainian cities, including Odessa, Kharkiv, Dniepropetrovsk and Zaporizhia as well as some towns in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

During the march in Kyiv President Poroshenko promised to return Donbass to Ukraine and Khmelnytsky requested the Government to recognise Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic as terrorist organisations officially. Mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitschko said, "Here are those, who are disturbed with a problem of terrorism. Those who want to stop this evil." ((uk))Ukrainian language: ‍Сюди прийшли ті, кому не байдужа проблема тероризму. Ті, хто хоче зупинити це зло.

The march ended with a public prayer for victims of terror. The Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Sviatoslav Shevchuk and the Patriarch of Kyiv and All Rus’ - Ukraine Filaret, as well as representatives of Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, Clerical Board of Ukraine's Muslims, Armenian Apostolic Church took part in this prayer.
