User:B.j Shepherd/Palestinian rivals accept Egyptian proposal

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April 28, 2011

On Wednesday under an Egyptian brokered deal Sources reported that “The Fatah Party of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas, which governs Israel" had agreed to a reconciliation deal.

The Palestinian President’s faction announced on monday that “it had accepted an Egyptian Proposal to end a rift with Islamist” the faction also went on to say that it would “delay presidential and Parliamentary elections.” These were due to happen in January.

However not everyone is pleased abou the deal as Israel protested that “The Palestinian Authority could not have peace with both Hamas and Israel.” Binyamin Netanyahu who is the Israeli President went on to say that “I hope the Palestinian Authority will make the right choice.”

The US Govenment also stated that “Any Palestinian Unity government would have to renounce violence and recognise Israel.”

The BBC explained that the Problems with Israel have arisen because “ Hamas has carried out Bombings and Rocket attacks against Israel for Years” and they the BBC went on to explain that Hamas doesn’t Recognise Israel’s “Right to exist.”

The split between the two factions happened because of the violence that had erupted “a year after Hamas won Palestinian elections in 2006”

Jonathan head The BBC's correspondent in Cairo said that “if the deal goes ahead, it will end the bitter hostility between the two sides” as well as “remove a significant barrier to the Palestinian campaign for statehood.”



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