Wikinews:Global Networking/Miscellaneous

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The Miscellaneous Section — for things that don't belong anywhere else




  • Mozilla Firefox a reasonably secure, easy to use web browser that allows multiple urls to be viewed in one browser window, and works with BugMeNot plugin, see below.
  • BugMeNot a browser plugin to help protect your privacy and reduce hassle associated with sites that demand registration/login to view articles. Works with Mozilla Firefox browser, see above.
  • Google translate
  • SysTran - (Arabic, Swedish, Dutch, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, French) to English and back.

News Sources

  • For a very large list of online English-language newspapers and other online English-language news sources from around the world, divided by regions (as well as English-language websites for UN member states), see The Guardian's World News Guide.










Voting record resources





Science & technology




Raw data/primary source sites

Census, survey, poll
Economic data

Press releases


Please be especially cautious when relying on press release material for stories. Generally these are suitable only as leads, and as source material for quotes for stories. They can also be useful in cross-checking the origin of stories published elsewhere, since it is common practice for "journalists" to quote entire sections of a press release without specific attribution, or indeed to reprint an entire press release as a story, since the PR source is certain to be supportive and it often means an early lunch for the journalist.

News aggregation sites


These are sites which simply aggregate headlines from other sites. Please try to avoid linking to aggregators of poor quality here, since many "domain squatter" sites attempt to pass themselves off as aggregators, but provide links of inconsistent quality and topic.

  • Europe Media Monitor Site run by the European Commission, aggregating news from a number of parts of the world. The site allows searching by country and language of stories.
  • Google News Searchable, region categories, aggregates mainstream news sites
  • Matt Drudge's Web Site Fairly good quality, stories selected sometimes have slight right bias, first to break the Lewinsky Story
  • Primarily tech-news, stories grouped by date
  • NewsBlaze Allegedly has journalists and experts covering topics spanning "the globe" and a cross-section of news assembled from unnamed leading news agencies.
  • NewsNow UK-based aggregator, categorizing aggregated news according to countries and issues. The search capability is limited to one word searches for non-paying viewers, but most links shown available from non-pay and non-registration sources.



Free media


Media must be uploaded to the Commons in order to be used on Wikinews. To do so, they must be correctly licensed by a license-holder.

Not necessarily completely free images


Remember, if an image is not currently under a license which allows it to be hosted on Commons, you can always ask the copyright holder to release it under a different license. Here are some sources which are not necessarily free licensed, but include copyright holder contact information:

Free audio




See also
