Strauss-Kahn case dismissed

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Image: International Monetary Fund.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn was freed of sexual assault charges yesterday after the New York courts found the accusations against him not credible. After the shocking arrest three months ago when Nafissatou Diallo accused Strauss-Kahn, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, of assaulting her, the prosecutor deemed the accuser not credible due to previous false rape claims.

The New York Times quoted Strauss-Kahn saying the case has been "a nightmare for me and my family". Taiwan News also quoted Strauss-Kahn who said, "I want to thank all the friends in France and in the United States who have believed in my innocence, and to the thousands of people who sent us their support personally and in writing. I am most deeply grateful to my wife and family who have gone through this ordeal with me."

On May 14, Diallo claimed that Strauss-Kahn forced her to interact in sexual activity in his hotel suite. DNA on Diallo's clothes confirmed an interaction but whether the encounter was forced or not was unsure. In July, she falsely told reporters she was assaulted in her homeland which erased her credibility.

Diallo and her legal team made a last attempt in the criminal case, filing a motion on Monday asking that Mr. Vance’s office be disqualified but early Tuesday morning Justice Obus denied the motion. The encounter between Diallo and Strauss-Kahn was deemed to be consensual leading to Strauss-Kahn's freedom.

Strauss-Kahn is undergoing accusation in another sexual case in France. His lawyers have said this is also a false account.
