Talk:Calls for "critical breakthrough" in the opening speeches of Climate Conference in Bali

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OR notes[edit]


Yes I was there :). I can´t give you scans of the transcripts as of now, I´m afraid (no scanner), but I´ll happily type of any bits you might be interested in (like the full sentences of the quotes I use). The transcripts were made available here at the media center sometime afernoon. Sean Heron 16:38, 3 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Notes taken live at the opening session in Bali[edit]

By me Sean Heron 16:14, 3 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

The outgoing president:

  • adaptation
  • "kick starting CDM" the needs for financing and something was recognized as a key priority. However progress was slow, more to do
  • technology, " stage is set for meaningful progress in Bali
  • space for creative and constructive ideas. The AWG under 3.9 (kyoto) significant progress. I cannot overemphasise the importancet of sending price signals for the carbon markets.

Various meetings held. IPCCC report. LDCs and Small island states bear the brunt. Although some progress has been made, it is (has been) insuficient. "The negotiations have to move faster, and with ??? here in Bali" I therefore call on all parties to move with urgency. We need to We have to opportunity, with the incoming president sos ands o to save the enviroment and the future of our planten

"I consider it an honour to be elected at this critical moment?" It has become clear that the effects will be felt strongest by the poor nations and the poorest in them... it is critical that we act, and that we act now. Many meetings this year. We need to use this session to send a strong signal that we can act at the urgency required. ... has heard widespread support for ... and agreeing on a agenda for negotiations ... till 2009. It is also important that we send a signal to the markets, who can bring cheap reductions, but require clear signals.

The Nairobi programm on adaptation mentioned beforehand has done good work on this and that. Miss a bit on adaptation and technology.

Issue, reducing emmisions from deforestation. Considerable emmision. Needs to be part of

One of the stumbeling blocks has been the fear of stalling... althought the cost for mitigation may be considerable... should be little compared to the damage prevented. Advances?? in climate science... market has been in effect for a while. We have found the measures necessary, we now need the political will to see them through. The world is wathcing closely, ...

Do everything possible... so that we reach the breakthrough the world is waiting for.

Yvo de Boer: Introductory statements, thank you for preperations etc. The outcome of this conference will decide whether Bali will be a lost paradise or not. Exceptional year: counts all the meetings. It was especially the year of the IPCC, cheered at every stage, crowned by Nobel.

It has become clear that cc will effect everyone, especially the poorest of the poor. Explains the UNFCCC. Kyoto protocol: ... JI and CDM delivering results. Quote IPCC: High lik The world now expects a quantum leap forwards, and that can only be done from firm ground. Agreeing on

  • technology ...
  • initial stage of actions on deforestation


  • capacity and adaptation building

First leadership by Ind nat must continue. Second, bold action north, clear growth south. Without incenteves etc, do same erross in south Fossil fuels will stay: use with out destruying fourth: adaptation must be a comprehensive thing.

All beginings are difucult. focus on oppurtionitys. Form follow function, what can be done. ... Legal form can be answered last. After all a marriage contract is last, not discussed at first date. I do thourughly hoep that you will... The task you face is huge. But .


Great work so far. Take a look at my copy-edit to make sure I didn't mess stuff up. I am still not sure about the "window" aspect of 4th IPCC report. Check it. Are you able to take pictures? That would be really sweet if you could. --SVTCobra 00:48, 4 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Thanks, I'd like to have done more, but I am doing a bit of contact building and such, which tends to take its time as well. I must admit I'm still slightly adrift regarding what I want to place my focus on (just the thing I didn't want to be...), but I know I want to generally have the negotiations for post 2012 in my view, the mitigatory aspects (GHG reduction) in specific. I guess I should start aranging interviews...
Your copy edits seemed to be OK (and 2030 could well be right, its not much more than 20 years either, thanks for checking for me!).
I would be allowed to take photos, but I'm afraid that as I don't do any photography otherwise, it is a bit cumbersome for me, and my experience in Heiligendamm was that if you want to do everything and spread yourself to thin, you get nothing at all done. Regards Sean Heron 10:13, 4 December 2007 (UTC)Reply