Wikinews:Briefs/May 12, 2012

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Wikinews Audio Briefs
Saturday, May 12, 2012
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Today on Wikinews: We briefly recap some of the stories appearing on Wikinews this week and from around the world.

Today is Saturday, May 12, 2012. I am Chad Tew and this is Wikinews.


In France, François Hollande won last week's presidential election, defeating Nicolas Sarkozy with over fifty-one percent of the votes.

Additional sources:

Yulia Tymoshenko's daughter says her mother will be ending her hunger strike. The former prime minister of Ukraine is currently serving a seven-year prison term for abuse of office, and she began the hunger strike just as a new trial for tax evasion was about to begin. The Ukrainian government had to cancel a European summit because at least ten heads of state cancelled. The cancellation occurred just before the announcement ending the nineteen-day hunger strike.

Indonesia's president says there will be an investigation into the Russian Sukhoi jet that crashed killing around 50 people. The passenger jet was making a promotional sales flight at the time that it crashed into a cliff. Sukhoi reports it has around 200 orders for new jets.

A new report says New Zealand's worst plane crash in seventeen years was caused by overloading. Nine people were killed when the skydiving plane crashed nose first in twenty ten. Regulations since have placed a limit of six passengers on similar planes.

President Obama announced this week that he supports the legalisation of marriage for same-sex partners. Financial support among the L-G-B-T community had been at a sixteen year low, but since the announcement, the Obama campaign says donations have been trending up.

In the West Virginia primary, a prison inmate captured almost forty one percent of the Democratic primary vote against President Obama.

And former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson was nominated for U-S president by the Libertarian party. Johnson served two terms as governor as a Republican after elections in nineteen ninety four and nineteen ninety eight. Johnson has been a supporter of Ron Paul, and he is running on a platform of non-intervention in foreign affairs and cutting the federal budget.

In sports, the Australian women's national water polo team defeated the United States six to five. The team took first place at the VISA Water Polo International. The Australian team is expected to do well in the summer Olympics.

In the United States, Anaheim Angels baseball player Albert Pujols ended his home run drought this week. It took 33 games for Pujols to hit a homer. He left the St. Louis Cardinals and signed up with the Angels during that drought. While Anaheim fans have booed Pujols, he says the game is about adjustments and patience.

And the horse I'll Have Another was the winner of the Kentucky Derby as he slipped past Bodemeister at the end of the race. The winning horse won by a length and a half. It was also a first time derby win for the jockey, trainer, and owner.

Outro (4:00)

And those are the headlines for this week.


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