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Chantel McGregor: Live at Edinburgh's 'The Caves'

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Edinburgh, Scotland — Sunday saw Chantel McGregor, voted Best Blues Guitarist at the British Blues Awards, headlining in The Caves. Wikinewsie Brian McNeil took along his camera to capture this remarkable young Yorkshire musician playing live. The previous evening saw her playing in Glasgow, with the current tour hitting Morecambe yesterday, Bristol's The Tunnels on Wednesday, and Derby on Thursday.

Supporting Chantel were local, self-styled "Rootsy/Country/Soul" three-piece The Rising Souls. Despite The Caves — which local lore claims is haunted — being buried in the city's Cowgate, their percussionist was playing a Cajón; often-seen in the city as musicians try to avoid running foul of the City of Edinburgh Council's licensing board, and risking venues being closed down over as-little as a single noise complaint.

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Chantel McGregor on guitar, Keith McPartling on drums, and Richard Ritchie on bass.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Local support act, The Rising Souls
Image: Brian McNeil.
The crowd were quiet throughout, with one notable exception, paying more-attention to the musicianship than dancing.
Image: Brian McNeil.
The Rising Souls; from left to right: Tom on cajón, Dave on lead vocals and guitar, and Kelso on bass.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Dave and Tom, taking full advantage of the venue's acoustics.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Dave and Tom, taking full advantage of the venue's acoustics.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Despite the cold, the crowd soon warmed to support act The Rising Souls.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Despite the cold, the crowd soon warmed to support act, The Rising Souls.
Image: Brian McNeil.
The woman everyone had come to see: Chantel McGregor.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Although — initially — reacting nervously to an over-enthusiastic inebriated fan, Chantel played a stunning set.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Drummer, Keith McParting, gives the fan at the front a hard stare.
Image: Brian McNeil.
The woman everyone had come to see: Chantel McGregor.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Chantel McGregor on guitar, Keith McPartling on drums, and Richard Ritchie on bass.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Drummer, Keith McPartling.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Chantel McGregor on guitar, Keith McPartling on drums, and Richard Ritchie on bass.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Chantel, making her Fender Stratocaster cry.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Cold? Richard Ritchie seemed to think so; wearing a fingerless glove on his picking hand.
Image: Brian McNeil.
With her long mane of blonde hair, Chantel is an impressive sight on-stage.
Image: Brian McNeil.
With her long mane of blonde hair, Chantel is an impressive sight on-stage.
Image: Brian McNeil.
The set was a mix of well-known covers, and numerous of Chantel McGregor's own compositions.
Image: Brian McNeil.
As the performance progressed, the crowd moved closer to the stage.
Image: Brian McNeil.
The Caves proved an intimate venue for Chantel's brand of blues playing.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Chantel's band played-off each-other particularly-well.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Chantel playing her white Gibson Les Paul.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Chantel's band played-off each-other particularly-well.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Chantel with drummer, Keith McPartling.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Chantel with drummer, Keith McPartling.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Chantel with drummer, Keith McPartling.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Drummer Keith McPartling and bassist Richard Ritchie.
Image: Brian McNeil.
View from the floor, literally.
Image: Brian McNeil.
View from the floor, literally.
Image: Brian McNeil.
View from the floor, literally.
Image: Brian McNeil.
From the balcony in The Caves, you've a perfect view of the stage.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Unlike other venues Wikinews' photographer has visited, the acoustics of The Caves still give a great sound upstairs.
Image: Brian McNeil.
Upstairs in The Caves, looking down onto the stage.
Image: Brian McNeil.


This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.
This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.