
Britain's Ministry of Defence to release UFO files

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Thursday, May 3, 2007

The United Kingdom's Ministry Of Defence has announced that they plan to release their UFO files to the public, 7 weeks after France's space agency CNES opened its UFO file to the public in March 22, 2007.

The ministry has not decided on which day this event will occur, but confirmed that it would be happening within the upcoming weeks. The files will include UFO sightings reported by civilians, pilots, and military personnel dating back to 1967.

Some people, such as David Clarke, have expressed their delight to the release of the files: "The more of this stuff that they put on their website or put in the national archives, the less it will cost the taxpayer, because at the moment people are writing in about individual incidents and they are having respond." Clarke is author of the book Flying Saucerers: A Social History of UFOlogy and currently a journalism lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University.

The files will include the famous December of 1980 Rendlesham Forest Incident, also called Britain's Roswell after the Roswell UFO incident that occurred in the United States in 1947.

