Category:Therapeutic Goods Amendment (Repeal of Ministerial responsibility for approval of RU486) Act 2006
This is the category for the Therapeutic Goods Amendment (Repeal of Ministerial responsibility for approval of RU486) Act 2006, Australian legislation concerning the regulation of abortion-inducing drug mifepristone. Latest storiesRefresh this list to see the latest articles.
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Pages in category "Therapeutic Goods Amendment (Repeal of Ministerial responsibility for approval of RU486) Act 2006"
The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total.
- Repeal of ministerial control of RU486 bill passes Australian House of Representatives
- Repeal of ministerial control of RU486 bill passes Australian Senate
- RU486 Abortion pill hearings begin in Australia
- RU486 debate complicates with amendments posed in Australian House of Representatives
- RU486 debate enters Australian Senate