Comments:Canadian university students would prefer MP3 players over car radios

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I think that this article is so true...we are really going to see radio disappearing before we know it. It makes sense also that the university population is utilizing the new tech such as I-Pods so frequently - they are just more convenient. Not to mention their sound quality, which is extraordinary. An interesting piece.

I have one of the original iPods that I listen to when Im in the car. I use one of the old FM transmitters that first came out for the iPod to listen to my music in the car. The audio quality is not that great (sometimes it just goes quiet), and I have to take my eyes off the road to change the music, but I still do it. If I had a car that allowed my iPod to plug right into the system AND be able to use radio controls, I'd be in heaven (I mean look what Im going through now). Come to think of it, I have not listened to the radio in the car in ages. Really, the only thing going for the radio now is the weather and the traffic reports, both of which I check on the news or online before I go to work anyway.