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Comments:Church of England rejects compromise over women bishops

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Just Let 'Em


By not letting Woman rise up the ranks of the church, then they are pretty much saying that god treats Woman and Men differently... (talk) 05:39, 12 July 2010 (UTC)

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comments from feedback form - "I completely agree, what'd poi..."218:05, 14 July 2010

Comments from feedback form - "I completely agree, what'd poi..."

I completely agree, what'd point of excluding woman when there are more woman in the world then men...what if they decide to exclude us =O DUN DUN DUN!!!!!

BKCW8 talk05:43, 12 July 2010

The point is for males involved in the Church to have control of it; it is an ongoing oppression against women. The Church has a long history of this which is easy to read up on. It probably won't change unless a change is somehow forced. It is one reason I like to keep my lifestyle secular. (talk)19:29, 12 July 2010

It would be very interesting to hear what the alleged theological justifications are for disallowing female clergy. (talk)18:05, 14 July 2010