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Comments:Militant leader hanged by Iran

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Comments from feedback form - "I say the world should just ig..."

I say the world should just ignore the middle east and hope it either fixes or completely destroys itself...

H.R.H Sovereign King Bradley The Great, Autocrat of All Australia talk03:30, 22 June 2010

The middle east was doing just fine before a couple of pompous western coporatocracies past their prime attempted to "fix it"

ScalePoint (talk)18:07, 22 June 2010

LOL yea...all the woman and homosexual people were feeling it was doing just fine...

H.R.H Sovereign King Bradley The Great, Autocrat of All Australia talk23:48, 22 June 2010

Comments from feedback form - "Well written article. Could h..."

Well written article. Could have been longer. As a news article it was excellent, but it could have been better by pointing towards some political commentators. (talk)21:52, 21 June 2010