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Comments:Montana judge frees Barry Beach pending homicide retrial

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Bull006:44, 9 December 2011

Steve Bullock is running for Governor. His people, Tammy and Brent have received orders from Bullock to stall this for a year, so it won’t effect his election.

I can hear them now in the boardroom. Bent, Tammy, make this go away until after the election. That is the real reason for the appeal to the Supreme Court. I think it is time for us to gear up and meet his stall game with a get out the vote game.

Sound off here, on what could we could write, on a series of Billboards, well placed around the state. Maybe something like, “Bullock has spent thousands of tax dollars to keep an innocent man in prison for thirty years, Don’t just vote, vote for anyone else but the Bull”

Or how about Bullock is full of Bull, Quite wasting my Tax Dollars, Free Barry Beach

Is anyone else with me on this? (talk)06:44, 9 December 2011