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Comments:NASA's new space capsule to be ready for test flights by 2013

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comments from feedback form - "Wow,NASA Reach heavenly bodies..."011:53, 1 December 2010
a Joke right?116:08, 20 October 2010
Comments from feedback form - "Fool."013:06, 7 October 2010

Comments from feedback form - "Wow,NASA Reach heavenly bodies..."

Wow,NASA Reach heavenly bodies that have not been able to explore and it will change the world civilization of celestial objects (talk)11:53, 1 December 2010

a Joke right?

obama must of been joking when he asked Nasa to send a shuttle to asteroid or mars instead of the moon right. He would be pretty stupid to think that it would be less expensive than going to the moon. (talk)15:29, 1 October 2010

That's very true! Besides if we set up in the moon first and develop fuel and building materials from resources there the cost of further missions can be halved! We need to set up in the moon BEFORE trying to get to an asteroid or Mars. It's simple logic. (talk)16:08, 20 October 2010

Comments from feedback form - "Fool."

Fool. (talk)13:06, 7 October 2010