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Comments:Two US congressmen fly into Kabul; trip reportedly unauthorized

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Biden's Big Boondoggle018:17, 2 September 2021

Biden's Big Boondoggle

Edited by 0 users.
Last edit: 20:45, 30 August 2021

Over twenty years ago I made the mistake of voting Democrat. I repented and have never repeated my error. I hope and pray that all Americans will think and try to analyze where our poor country is going with this out-of-control administration.

I believe that we can recover if we repent and turn back from our foolishness. If you don't know what I'm talking about there may not be much hope left for you, my friend. I will pray for you and others like you. For those who have never taken the time to read the US Constitution, I suggest that now is getting late, indeed.

God help us all!