Comments:Urban fox 'mauls' two babies in London, England

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Thread title | Replies | Last modified |
Why? | 0 | 01:02, 9 June 2010 |
- Has anyone thought as to WHY the fox attacked them?
- I mean it HAD to have a reason to go into the house.
- Seeing as how it had to climb some stairs at least to get them, if it was hungry there are easier targets then that, especially as it didnt continue attacking and was instead just standing there ¬_¬
- Why didnt it run away when it was discovered? Apparently all it did was dodge the husbands attacks by a few inches each time.
- Sickens me how everyone's blaming the fox without thinking about it...
- "Oh its a wild animal, of course it would go out of its way to attack babies! Its what wild animals do! They spend all their time thinking about how to injure / maim and kill all of us!"