Comments:Vatican to Palestinians: Remove us from your Draft Resolution to UN General Assembly

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Thread title | Replies | Last modified |
Information to Understand the Vatican's Actions/Comments | 2 | 14:37, 4 September 2015 |
It is probably no fault of the writer of the article that there is no explanation of the reasoning behind the Vatican's decision and actions. They probably did not give a reason. This leads to assumptions on the part of many readers. Those predisposed with negative views toward the Palestinian state will find further support for their views regarding the Palestinians. Unfortunately, they will probably not notice that "the Vatican acknowledged the Palestinian state" and that they join 136 other states in doing so.
The Vatican stands as a moral leader for Catholics across the World. For that reason, they need to be more clear about their actions.
The only time that the Vatican has been a leader is when it wielded a lot of power which is has not for a long time. For quite some time the Vatican is just like governments only saying what they think they can get away with. If they had any morality, they would stand with Palestine even if it is only for having a flag at the UN. I am an American and I believe that the Palestinian people need all the help they can get and getting a flag at the UN would help and the Vatican failed in their "supposed" moral obligation.