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Comments:Whaling activist arrested by Japan

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It doesn't bother me that the Japanese eat whales, what bothers be is that they are completely dishonest about it, even with themselves, a sort of DIetary Denial. They claim to hunt endangered whale species for "scientific purposes", although after the whales are killed, they are simply butchered and the meat is sold fresh to shops and cooked and packed into cans. No experiments are performed , no research is conducted. these animals are simply killed in the wild for food, no differently than if they were tuna. For a nation that seeks to be a world power - with a permanent seat on the UN security council- they should be deeply embarrassed by this childishly deceitful behaviour. Japan will never realize its global aspirations if it continues to live in denial about something as mundane as the killing of whales. (talk) 17:34, 13 March 2010 (UTC)

You know, they will probably get away with it regardless. They have enough power to do it. (talk) 11:05, 15 March 2010 (UTC)

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NO SYMPATHY002:13, 19 March 2011


Suddenly I feel zilch sympathy for the Japanese...in fact, praying for another tsunami. (talk)02:13, 19 March 2011