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Comments:Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to be extradited to Sweden

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Comments from feedback form - "This article is false and misl..."

This article is false and misleading. Mr. Asssange has not been accused of sexual assault on either side, but sexual molestation, which is unprovable, thus he cannot be extradited. Assange has done nothing to be arrested, let alone an arrest warrant. This is article is has presented misleading and untrue information. (talk)16:23, 3 March 2011

You are absolutely spot on, and I will make this correction to the article immediately. The BBC have made the error in this case, since their sources clearly stated that Mr Assange "should be extradited to Sweden to face sexual assault allegations...". Thank you for pointing out this error, it will be fixed.

BarkingFish (talk)17:55, 3 March 2011

Comments from feedback form - "My friend just told me an arti..."

My friend just told me an article stating that "According to the UK Daily Mail, the charges derive from a pair of sexual encounters Assange had in Sweden, one in which the condom he was wearing broke, the other in which he refused to use a condom at all. Swedish law apparently takes a dim view of men subjecting women to unprotected sex." Originally the charges involved rape, but then they were dropped based off lack of evidence. Now their using these claims to say that it was molestation but they'll likely run out of proof for that as well." I'm so scared for him. = ( I barely learned his name 2 months ago, and he's already become one of my biggest heroes. Does anyone have any valid information relating to what I just stated? And if so can you PLEASE add it to this article, I don't know how to do it myself, otherwise I would, I'm very sorry. (talk)11:14, 25 February 2011

It was also report some months ago that both sexual encounters began as consensual, but Assange's condom broke in one case. It was also reported that originally the two women, who know each other and are friends, did not want to press charges. This was reported on NPR and other sources in the US.

It would be helpful if more information were available pertaining to the nature of these allegations and the history of how he came to be wanted for extradition. It seems there is not much information on the state of affairs regarding all of this in Sweden and exactly what he is alleged to have done. Terms like "sexual assault" have various meanings from inappropriate touching to brutal and forceful rape in various jurisdictions and thus are loaded words unless the specific allegations are know. Also, it is my understanding that Assange has not been formally charged in Sweden; he is wanted for questioning. Mattisse (talk) 17:49, 25 February 2011 (UTC)

Mattisse (talk)17:49, 25 February 2011

Comments from feedback form - "No mention of Sweden's surpris..."

No mention of Sweden's surprise sex laws is included. It makes the "sexually assaulted four times" sound pretty vicious, and not very impartial. (talk)17:26, 25 February 2011
Edited by author.
Last edit: 14:10, 25 February 2011

What does 'the latter' refer to? Also, why is he taken to Sweden instead of the US?

Kayau (talk · contribs)14:03, 25 February 2011

Wait. I just skimmed through the article not reading it carefully enough. I understand the first question now...

Kayau (talk · contribs)14:07, 25 February 2011

Julian Assange's Extradition to Sweden

This sounds more like an attempt to try Mr Assange for his WikiLeaks release a few months ago rather than charges of sexual assault. Not a lot of information is given in the article about the particulars of the sexual assault accusations. Furthermore, arguments are given that Assange WILL be protected from extradition to the United States and, if by some chance he is taken to the US and tried, powers in Europe will work to make sure he has a fair trial and is treated humanely; however, I still think something fishy is going on. I can't put my finger on it, but something just does not seem right.

Colin Hale, Student at Alma College, Michigan, USA.16:31, 24 February 2011

If the courts do their job a fair verdict will be found on this issue

Guerillero (talk)01:32, 25 February 2011

Cannot put someone on trial when no laws have been broken RE the leaks.

DragonFire1024 (Talk to the Dragon)02:18, 25 February 2011

I'm struggling to understand why a seemingly developed country such as Sweden has this bizarre way of dealing with sexual offences

Mcchino64 (talk)13:56, 25 February 2011

About flaming time...

He's stalled this BS long enough, get him out to Sweden and get him off our bloody hands,

BarkingFish (talk)17:46, 24 February 2011

Yeah it's been a real drag, really put me out I can tell you!

Mcchino64 (talk)13:51, 25 February 2011

Comments from feedback form - "It's time for the Australian G..."

It's time for the Australian Government to pull their finger out and bring Assange home...

BKCW8 talk05:48, 25 February 2011