Iranian activist arrested in Ardabil

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Monday, June 10, 2024

Iranian activist Hossein Shanbehzadeh was arrested on June 4 in Ardabil, Iran. The detention came about after Shanbehzadeh replied to a message of Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on social media platform X (previously known as Twitter). His reply on X contained only a single character (".", period). His account on X was deactived shortly before the arrest. Iran's judiciary has reported the arrest of an Israeli spy, but not confirming if the detainee is Shanbehzadeh. However, Tasnim News Agency identified Shanbehzadeh as the detained spy.

Shanbehzadeh is a writer who has a satirical style and is known to criticize the Iranian leadership. He was previously imprisoned in Evin Prison for social media commentary during the 2019 Iran protests but was released on April 2023.

Ardabil Province

