Jet engine pollution is a health risk for over 50 million people in Europe, study says

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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A new study from the European Federation for Transport and Environment (T&E) claims that over 50 million Europeans are at risk because of jet engine pollution. People living within a twenty kilometer radius from the most crowded airports are affected by ultrafine particles from burning jet fuel. According to other studies, the particles pass through human skin and can cause variety of issues, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and affecting pregnancy.

Pollution around Europe's 32 most busiest airports and the health of people living nearby were measured. The health of airport personnel was excluded. The study found that the concentration of ultrafine particles was from three thousand to twelve thousand particles per cubic centimeters in city centers. At Paris airport of Charles de Gaulle, the concentration was found to be over twenty thousand particles per cubic centimeters.

Advancement in jet fuel development can mitigate the pollution, as well as reducing transportation via flying.

