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/* For Wikinews:Dialog/do. See Special:WhatLinksHere/Wikinews:Dialog/do. */

function reservedParams(pagename, delegatedData) { var r = { 'DIALOG-DO-VERSION': '0.45 (2020-05-28)' };

   if (pagename) {
       r['PRELOAD-PAGENAME'] = pagename + '/preload';
   if (delegatedData) for (var p in delegatedData)
       if ((p.search(/[A-Z]/) == 0) && (p.search(/[a-z]/) < 0)) {
           r[p] = delegatedData[p];
   return r;


function wikidialogShow(callback) {

   if (('wikidialog' in window) && ('show' in window.wikidialog)) {
       if (callback) callback();
   else $.getScript( // MediaWiki:Gadget-wikidialog.js
       mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?title=' + mw.util.wikiUrlencode('MediaWiki:Gadget-wikidialog.js') +
       function () {
           if (callback) callback();


function primaryVerb(delegatedData) {

   function getQueryParams(q) {
       function decode(s) {
           function f(c) {
               if (c < 64) return (c - 48);
               if (c < 96) return (c - 55);
               return (c - 87);
           return s.replace(/%[a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9]/g,function(s) {
               return String.fromCharCode((f(s.charCodeAt(1)) * 16) +
       if (! q) { q = location.search.substring(1); }
       else if (q.search(/\?/) >= 0) { q = q.substring(q.search(/\?/) + 1); }
       q = q.split(/[&]/);
       var result = {};
       for (var k=0; k<q.length; k++) {
           var j = q[k].search('=');
           if (j > 0) result[decode(q[k].substring(0,j))] = decode(q[k].substring(j+1));
       return result;
   function anchorEncode(s) {
       return encodeURIComponent( s.replace( / /g, '_' ) )
            .replace( /!/g, '%21' ).replace( /'/g, '%27' )
            .replace( /\(/g, '%28' ).replace( /\)/g, '%29' )
            .replace( /\*/g, '%2A' ).replace( /~/g, '%7E' )
            .replace( /%3A/g, ':' ).replace( /%/g, '.' );
   function idSelector(s) {
       s = s.replace( /\./g, '\\.' );
       return 'input#wikidialog-' + s + ', textarea#wikidialog-' + s + ', select#wikidialog-' + s;
   function fieldSelector(s) {
       var sa = anchorEncode(s);
       if (sa == s) {
           return idSelector(s);
       } else {
           return idSelector(s) + ', ' + idSelector(sa);
   function getButtonParams(button, data, fixed) { // button is a jquery object of length 1
       var wikidialogButtonData = (data ? data : button.data('wikidialogButtonData'));
       var params = {};
       for (var j = 0; j < wikidialogButtonData.length; j++) {
           var d = wikidialogButtonData[j].match(/[\w\-\u0080-\uFFFF]+/g); // STUFF ALLOWED IN FIELD NAMES
           d[1] = (d[1] ? d[1] : d[0]);
           d[1] = $(fieldSelector(d[1]));
           if (d[1].length == 0) {
           } else {
               var elt = d[1].first();
               d[1] = d[1].add(button);
               for (var k = 0; k < d[1].length; k++) {
                   if (   $(d[1][k]).hasClass('wikidialog-button')
                       || $(d[1][k]).hasClass('wikidialog-link')) {
                       if (k < d[1].length) elt = $(d[1][k]);
               switch (elt.attr('type')) {
                 case 'checkbox':
                   d[1] = (elt[0].checked ? 'yes' : );
                   d[1] = elt.val();
               params[d[0]] = d[1];
       if (fixed) for (var p in fixed) { params[p] = fixed[p]; }
       return params;
   function getButtonCarryovers(button) { // button is a jquery object of length 1
       var wikidialogButtonData = button.data('wikidialogButtonData');
       var carryovers = [];
       for (var j = 0; j < wikidialogButtonData.length; j++) {
           var d = wikidialogButtonData[j].match(/[\w\-\u0080-\uFFFF]+/g); // STUFF ALLOWED IN FIELD NAMES
           if (d[1]) {} else { carryovers[carryovers.length] = d[0]; }
       return carryovers;
   function getButtonMetadata(button) { // button is a jquery object of length 1
       var wikidialogButtonData = button.data('wikidialogButtonData');
       var carryovers = getButtonCarryovers(button);
       return {
           unauth: (('unauth' in wikidialogButtonData) ? wikidialogButtonData.unauth : mw.config.get('wgPageName')),
           origin: (('origin' in wikidialogButtonData) ? wikidialogButtonData.origin : ),
           proxy:  (('proxy'  in wikidialogButtonData) ? wikidialogButtonData.proxy  : ),
           carry:  carryovers
   function showHere(content, maybeStopButton) {
       if (maybeStopButton) {
           if (window.wikidialog.ongoingSequence()) {

content = '


' + content;

       } else { // if the sequence can't be stopped, it shouldn't exist


' + content + '


       $('span.wikidialog-stop-sequence').replaceWith(function () {
           function handleStopButton(event) {
           var t = $(this).text();
           return $(document.createElement('button')).attr('type','button').addClass(this.className).html(t).attr('title',t).click(handleStopButton);
   function stripHtml(s) {
       return s.replace(/<[^<>]*>/g, );
   function convertLocalParams(actionParams, prefix) {
       var result = {};
       for (var p in actionParams)
           if (p.search(/local/) == 0)
               result[prefix + '-' + p.toUpperCase()] = actionParams[p];
       return result;
   function defaultErrorPanel(message, actionParams) {
       function handleWriteData(event) {
           function showStarted() { $('button.wikidialog-error-write').attr('disabled',true); }
           function showSucceeded() { $('li.wikidialog-error-offer-write').replaceWith(); }
           function showFailed() { $('button.wikidialog-error-write').attr('disabled',false); }
           function errorWriteStepTwo(newContent, pageName, oldContent) {
               // check the data isn't already there
               // ask the user to confirm
               // write
               if (oldContent.indexOf(newContent) >= 0) {
                   alert('The data to be written appears to be\nalready present on your user talk page');
               if (! confirm('Save dialog data to user talk page?')) {
               var section = ('Dialog data (saved on error by action do)');
               var apidata = { format:       'json',
                               action:       'edit',
                               text:         newContent,
                               title:        pageName,
                               section:      'new',
                               sectiontitle: section,
                               summary:      ('/* ' + section + ' */ new section'),
               apidata.token = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'); // always the last field added
                   type: 'POST',
                   url:  mw.util.wikiScript('api'),
                   data: apidata,
                   datatype: 'json'
               }).done(function(data) {
                   if (data && data.edit && data.edit.result && (data.edit.result == 'Success')) {
                       alert('Dialog data saved');
                   } else if (data && data.error) {
                       alert('Dialog data save error "' + data.error.code + '"');
                   } else {
                       alert('Dialog data save unknown error');
               }).fail(function () {
                   alert('Dialog data save misfired');
           function errorWriteStepOne() {
               // figure what to write
               // figure where to write
               // query what's already there
               var s = ;
               for (var p in actionParams) {
                   if (s) { s += '\n----\n----\n'; }
                   if (actionParams[p]) {
                       s += p + '\n----\n' + actionParams[p];
                   } else {
                       s += p;
               var userName = mw.config.get('wgUserName');
               if (! userName) { // should prevent the button from being created, but check here anyway
                   alert('You have to be logged in to write the data');
               var pageName = 'User talk:' + userName;
                   { exists: , name: , content:  },
                   function (data) {
                       if ('error' in data) {
                           alert('write failed\n' + data.error);
                       errorWriteStepTwo(s, pageName, (data.exists ? data.content : ));
       // look for id in url
       var idInUrl = ('wikidialogid' in getQueryParams());
       // text
       if (! idInUrl) { message = stripHtml(message); }

var s = '' + message + '\n

Options from here:\n

    \n'; if (idInUrl) { s += "
  • To retry the action that has failed, click this link: " + '<a href="' + location + '">retry</a>.
  • \n'; } else { s += '
  • This url is unstable; if you need to save your data, ' + 'save it before doing anything else from here.\n
      \n'; } s += '
    • Your surviving data is listed below; ' + 'you could copy-and-paste it to somewhere.
    • \n'; if (mw.config.get('wgUserName')) { s += '
    • ' + "As an on-wiki alternative, here's a button to write the data to your user talk page: " + 'x.
    • \n'; } if (! idInUrl) { s += '
  • \n
  • If the failed action was the first at this url, ' +
                 'you can retry it by clicking this link: <a href="' +
    location + '">retry</a>.
  • '; } s += '
  • You may be able to recover additional dialog data through the <a href="' + mw.util.getUrl(mw.config.get('wgSiteName') + ':Dialog/diagnostic panel') + '">diagnostic panel</a>. The data set shown below might not be listed on the ' + "panel, though it should be accessible using the panel's expert mode.
  • \n


       for (var p in actionParams) {
           if (actionParams[p]) {

s += '\n


' + p + ':


' + window.wikidialog.safeHtml(actionParams[p]) + '


           } else {

s += '\n


' + p + '


       // display
       $('.wikidialog-error-write').replaceWith(function () {
           return $(document.createElement('button')).attr('type','button')
   // user:  deliberate decision by user
   // soft:  perhaps a dialog misdesign
   // hard:  seems to be an API failure
   // reset: loss of session data
   var actionNoconfirmCondition =  'user&action no-confirm error';
   var viewParseCondition       =  'hard&view parse failure';
   var viewMissingCondition     =  'soft&view missing error';
   var editAuthCondition        =  'soft&edit authorization error';
   var editFailureCondition     =  'soft&edit failure';
   var editSessionCondition     = 'reset&edit session failure';
   var editContentCondition     =  'hard&edit form content failure';
   var editControlCondition     =  'hard&edit form control failure';
   var editStatusCondition      =  'soft&edit page-status error';
   var editFormCondition        =  'hard&edit form failure';
   var editExistCondition       =  'hard&edit existence failure';
   var editSpecCondition        =  'soft&edit spec error';
   var editProtectCondition     =  'soft&edit form protection error';
   function handleCondition(message, actionParams, handling, mayOmitReload) {
       function reservedParam(s) {
           return ((s.search(/[A-Z]/) == 0) && (s.search(/[a-z]/) < 0));
       function localParam(s) {
           return (s.search(/local/) == 0);
       function filterParams() {
           var result = {};
           for (var p in actionParams) if (! (reservedParam(p) || localParam(p))) {
               result[p] = actionParams[p];
           return result;
       // filter params (precaution)
       actionParams = filterParams();
       // rollback if possible
       if (window.wikidialog.canRollback()) {
           var shortcutParams = convertLocalParams(actionParams, 'ROLLBACK');
           if (handling) {
               handling = handling.split(/[&]/);
               shortcutParams['ROLLBACK-CLASS'] = handling[0];
               shortcutParams['ROLLBACK-CONDITION'] = handling[1];
           if (mayOmitReload ? window.wikidialog.rollback(primaryVerb, shortcutParams)
                             : window.wikidialog.rollback())
       // fall through
       defaultErrorPanel(message, actionParams);
   function confirmAction(parsedContent, actionName, actionDescription, pageDescription,
                          actionParams, callback) {
       // assumes template already detected in raw content
       var p = new RegExp('

return '<div' + (opt ?  : ' class="wikidialog-preview"') + '>' + preview + '';

               viewStepSix(dialogPage, content, dialogProtected);
           }).fail(function () {
               window.wikidialog.addNote('Preview parse failed.');
               viewStepSix(dialogPage, content, dialogProtected);
       function viewStepFour(dialogPage, content, dialogProtected, requestConfirm) {
           // pop
           if (actionParams['local-pop']
                   && (actionParams[actionParams['local-pop']])
                   && dialogProtected) {
               if (window.wikidialog.popUrl()) return;
           // push
           if (actionParams['local-push']
                   && (actionParams[actionParams['local-push']])
                   && dialogProtected
                   && window.wikidialog.canRollback()) {
               var emsg = window.wikidialog.pushPrevious();
               if (typeof(delegatedData) == 'string') { delegatedData = {}; }
               if (emsg) {
                   delegatedData['INCOMING-PUSH-ERROR'] = emsg;
               } else {
                   delegatedData['INCOMING-PUSH'] = 'done';
               actionParams[actionParams['local-push']] = ;
                   function (metadata) { return metadata; },
           // confirm
           if (requestConfirm)
               confirmAction(content, 'view', 'the destination page', 'destination page',
                   actionParams, function () {
                       viewStepFive(dialogPage, content, dialogProtected);
           else        viewStepFive(dialogPage, content, dialogProtected);
       function viewStepThree(dialogPage, content, dialogProtected) {
           // detect requestConfirm based on unexpanded content
           var requestConfirm = false;
           if (content.search(/\{\{\s*[Dd]ialog\/confirm view\s*(\}|\|)/) >= 0) {
               if (dialogProtected) {
                   requestConfirm = true;
               } else {
                   window.wikidialog.addNote("View confirmation template detected, but page isn't protected.");
           // parse
               type: 'POST',
               url:  mw.util.wikiScript('api'),
               data: { format:  'json',
                       action:  'parse',
                       text:    content,
                       title:   dialogPage,
                       prop:    'text'
               datatype: 'json'
           }).done(function(data) {
               var emsg = ;
               if (data.error) {
                   if (data.error.info) emsg = data.error.info
                                   else emsg = data.error.code;
               } else if (data.parse && data.parse.text && data.parse.text['*'])
                   content = data.parse.text['*'];
               else emsg = 'parse request misfired';
               if (emsg) {
                   handleCondition('Error parsing page <a href="' + mw.util.getUrl(dialogPage) + '">' +
                                                        window.wikidialog.safeHtml(dialogPage) + '</a>: ' + emsg,
                               actionParams, viewParseCondition, true);
               viewStepFour(dialogPage, content, dialogProtected, requestConfirm);
           }).fail(function () {
               handleCondition('Page parse failed: <a href="' + mw.util.getUrl(dialogPage) + '">' +
                                                    window.wikidialog.safeHtml(dialogPage) + '</a>.',
                           actionParams, viewParseCondition, true);
       function viewStepTwo(dialogPage, content, dialogProtected) {
               reservedParams(dialogPage, delegatedData),
               function (content) {
                   viewStepThree(dialogPage, content, dialogProtected);
       function viewStepOne(dialogPage) {
           // fetch page content
           window.wikidialog.pageQuery(dialogPage, { name: , content: , protected:  }, function (data) {
               if ('error' in data) {
                   handleCondition('Error accessing page <a href="' + mw.util.getUrl(dialogPage) + '" class="new">' +
                                                          window.wikidialog.safeHtml(dialogPage) + '</a>: ' + data.error,
                                   actionParams, viewMissingCondition, true);
               viewStepTwo(data.name, data.content, data.protected);
       // step zero: extract params
       var dialogPage = actionParams.page;
       if (! dialogPage) { showHere('No page specified.'); return; }
   function doEdit(actionParams) {
       function handleAuthenticationError() {
           var message = 'edit request declined by <a href="' +
                               mw.util.getUrl(actionParams.form) + '">' +
                   window.wikidialog.safeHtml(actionParams.form) + '</a>';
           if ('local-error' in actionParams) {
               message = '(' + message + '):\n' + actionParams['local-error'];
           showHere('Error: ' + stripHtml(message));
               (actionParams.form + '/error'),
               { name: , protected:  },
               function (data) {
                   if (('error' in data) || (! data.protected)) {
                       handleCondition(('Error: ' + message), actionParams, editAuthCondition, true);
                   actionParams.page = data.name;
                   actionParams.verb = 'view';
                   window.wikidialog.delegateTo(primaryVerb, actionParams,
                       function (metadata) { return metadata; },
                       convertLocalParams(actionParams, 'INCOMING'));
       function editStepEight() {
           // rollback would no longer make any sense
           // exit strategy
           if (('page' in actionParams) && actionParams.page) {
               window.wikidialog.delegateTo(primaryVerb, { verb: 'view' },
                   function (metadata) { return metadata; },
                   convertLocalParams(actionParams, 'INCOMING'));
           else location = mw.util.getUrl(actionParams.subject);
       function editStepSeven(s, normalizedFormTitle, creationModeFlag) {
           // save to page
           var apidata = { format:  'json',
                           action:  'edit',
                           text:    s,
                           title:   actionParams.subject,
           if (('local-summary' in actionParams) && (actionParams['local-summary'])) {
               apidata.summary = actionParams['local-summary'] + ' (via form)';
           } else {
               apidata.summary = (creationModeFlag ? 'create' : 'edit') + ' using form [[' +
                   normalizedFormTitle + ']] via ' + mw.config.get('wgSiteName') + ':Dialog/do';
           if ('local-basetimestamp' in actionParams) apidata.basetimestamp = actionParams['local-basetimestamp'];
           if ('local-section'       in actionParams) apidata.section       = actionParams['local-section'];
           if ('local-sectiontitle'  in actionParams) apidata.sectiontitle  = actionParams['local-sectiontitle'];
           if ('local-minor'         in actionParams) apidata.minor         = actionParams['local-minor'];
           if ('local-notminor'      in actionParams) apidata.notminor      = actionParams['local-notminor'];
           apidata.token = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'); // always the last field added
               type: 'POST',
               url:  mw.util.wikiScript('api'),
               data: apidata,
               datatype: 'json'
           }).done(function(data) {
               if (data && data.edit && data.edit.result && (data.edit.result == 'Success')) {
               } else if (data && data.error) {
                   if (data.error.code == 'badtoken') {
                       handleCondition('Loss of session data prevented ' +
                               (creationModeFlag ? 'creation' : 'edit') +
                               ' of <a href="' + mw.util.getUrl(actionParams.subject) +
                               '">' + window.wikidialog.safeHtml(actionParams.subject) +
                               '</a>\nIf you try again, it will probably work; ' +
                               "if it doesn't, you may have to log out and in again",
                           actionParams, editSessionCondition);
                   } else {
                       handleCondition('Subject page ' + (creationModeFlag ? 'creation' : 'edit') + ' error "' +
                           data.error.code + '": ' + '<a href="' + mw.util.getUrl(actionParams.subject) +
                                                '">' + window.wikidialog.safeHtml(actionParams.subject) +
                           '</a>', actionParams, editFailureCondition, true);
               } else {
                   handleCondition('Subject page ' + (creationModeFlag ? 'creation' : 'edit') +
                       ' unknown error: <a href="' + mw.util.getUrl(actionParams.subject) +
                                  '">' + window.wikidialog.safeHtml(actionParams.subject) +
                       '</a>', actionParams, editFailureCondition, true);
           }).fail(function () {
               handleCondition('Subject page ' + (creationModeFlag ? 'creation' : 'edit') +
                   ' misfired: <a href="' + mw.util.getUrl(actionParams.subject) +
                         '">' + window.wikidialog.safeHtml(actionParams.subject) +
                   '', actionParams, editFailureCondition, true);
       function editStepSix(s, normalizedFormTitle, creationModeFlag) {
           // expand the transcluded form
               type: 'POST',
               url:  mw.util.wikiScript('api'),
               data: { format:  'json',
                       action:  'expandtemplates',
                       text:    s,
                       title:   actionParams.subject,
                       prop:    'wikitext'
               datatype: 'json'
           }).done(function(data) {
               if (data.expandtemplates && data.expandtemplates.wikitext) s = data.expandtemplates.wikitext;
               else s = ;
               editStepSeven(s, normalizedFormTitle, creationModeFlag);
           }).fail(function () {
               handleCondition('Page parse failed: <a href="' +
                               mw.util.getUrl(normalizedFormTitle) + '">' +
                   window.wikidialog.safeHtml(normalizedFormTitle) + '</a>.',
                   actionParams, editContentCondition, true);
       function editStepFive(s, normalizedFormTitle, creationModeFlag) {
           s = window.wikidialog.transclude(s);
           editStepSix(s, normalizedFormTitle, creationModeFlag);
       function editStepFour(rawFormContent, normalizedFormTitle, creationModeFlag) {
           // parse in situ (not transcluded)
               type: 'POST',
               url:  mw.util.wikiScript('api'),
               data: { format:  'json',
                       action:  'parse',
                       text:    rawFormContent,
                       title:   normalizedFormTitle,
                       prop:    'text'
               datatype: 'json'
           }).done(function(data) {
               var emsg = 
               var parsedFormContent;
               if (data.error) {
                   if (data.error.info) emsg = data.error.info
                                   else emsg = data.error.code;
               } else if (data.parse && data.parse.text && data.parse.text['*'])
                   parsedFormContent = data.parse.text['*'];
               else emsg = 'parse request misfired';
               if (emsg) {
                   handleCondition('Error parsing page <a href="' +
                       mw.util.getUrl(normalizedFormTitle) + '">' +
                                      normalizedFormTitle +
                       '</a>: ' + emsg, actionParams, editControlCondition, true);
               // authenticate using parsed form content
               showHere('Authenticating edit request...' + parsedFormContent + '', true); // there's hidden stuff on this line
                   function () {
                       // confirm
                       if (rawFormContent.search(/\{\{\s*[Dd]ialog\/confirm edit\s*(\}|\|)/) >= 0)
                           confirmAction(parsedFormContent, 'edit', 'edit target page', 'form',
                               actionParams, function () {
                                   editStepFive(rawFormContent, normalizedFormTitle, creationModeFlag);
                       else        editStepFive(rawFormContent, normalizedFormTitle, creationModeFlag);
                   function () { handleAuthenticationError(); } // specialized handler
           }).fail(function () {
               handleCondition('Page parse failed: <a href="' + mw.util.getUrl(actionParams.subject) +
                                             '">' + window.wikidialog.safeHtml(actionParams.subject) +
                   '</a>.', actionParams, editControlCondition, true);
       function editStepThree(rawFormContent, normalizedFormTitle, subjectExists) {
           // verify expected subject status
           if ('local-basetimestamp' in actionParams) {
               if ('local-creation' in actionParams) {
                   handleCondition('Edit form error; not allowed to use both local-creation and local-basetimestamp parameters: ' +
                       (actionParams['local-creation'] ? window.wikidialog.safeHtml(actionParams['local-creation'])
                                                       : '(blank)') + ', ' +
                       (actionParams['local-basetimestamp'] ? window.wikidialog.safeHtml(actionParams['local-basetimestamp'])
                                                            : '(blank)'), actionParams, editStatusCondition, true);
               if (! subjectExists) {
                   handleCondition('Subject <a href="' + mw.util.getUrl(actionParams.subject) + '" class="new">' +
                                             window.wikidialog.safeHtml(actionParams.subject) +
                       '</a> does not exist', actionParams, editStatusCondition, true);
               editStepFour(rawFormContent, normalizedFormTitle, false);
           } else if ('local-creation' in actionParams) {
               if (actionParams['local-creation'] == 'required') {
                   if (subjectExists) handleCondition('Subject <a href="' + mw.util.getUrl(actionParams.subject) + '">' +
                                                                window.wikidialog.safeHtml(actionParams.subject) +
                                          '</a> already exists', actionParams, editStatusCondition, true);
                   else editStepFour(rawFormContent, normalizedFormTitle, true);
               if (actionParams['local-creation'] == 'prohibited') {
                   if (subjectExists) editStepFour(rawFormContent, normalizedFormTitle, false);
                   else handleCondition('Subject <a href="' + mw.util.getUrl(actionParams.subject) + '" class="new">' +
                                                  window.wikidialog.safeHtml(actionParams.subject) +
                            '</a> does not exist', actionParams, editStatusCondition, true);
               if (actionParams['local-creation'] == 'optional') {
                   editStepFour(rawFormContent, normalizedFormTitle, (! subjectExists));
               handleCondition('Edit form error; unrecognized local-creation parameter: ' +
                     ? ('' + window.wikidialog.safeHtml(actionParams['local-creation']) + '')
                     : '(blank)'),
                   actionParams, editStatusCondition, true);
           } else {
               handleCondition('Edit form error; missing local-creation or local-basetimestamp parameter for ' +
                   window.wikidialog.safeHtml(actionParams.subject) + '',
                   actionParams, editStatusCondition, true);
       function editStepTwo(rawFormContent, normalizedFormTitle) {
           // check form designation (Template:Dialog/edit/form)
           if (rawFormContent.search(/\{\{\s*[Dd]ialog\/edit\/form\s*\}\}/) < 0) {
               handleCondition('Edit form error; page does not self-identify as an edit form: <a href="' +
                               mw.util.getUrl(normalizedFormTitle) + '">' +
                   window.wikidialog.safeHtml(normalizedFormTitle) + '</a>',
                   actionParams, editFormCondition, true);
           // query subject
               reservedParams(actionParams.form, delegatedData),
               function (rawFormContent) {
                   if ('SUBJECT-EXISTS' in actionParams)
                       editStepThree(rawFormContent, normalizedFormTitle, (actionParams['SUBJECT-EXISTS'] == 'true'));
                   else handleCondition('Error during edit; failed to determine whether subject already exists: <a href="' +
                                        mw.util.getUrl(actionParams.subject) + '">' +
                            window.wikidialog.safeHtml(actionParams.subject) + '</a>',
                            actionParams, editExistCondition, true);
       function editStepOne() {
           // verify authentication, required parameters, existence/protection of form
           if (! ('subject' in actionParams))
               { handleCondition('Bad edit request: no parameter "subject" specified.', actionParams, editSpecCondition, true); return; }
           if (! ('form' in actionParams))
               { handleCondition('Bad edit request: no parameter "form" specified.',    actionParams, editSpecCondition, true); return; }
           if (! actionParams.subject)
               { handleCondition('Bad edit request: blank parameter "subject".',        actionParams, editSpecCondition, true); return; }
           if (! actionParams.form)
               { handleCondition('Bad edit request: blank parameter "form".',           actionParams, editSpecCondition, true); return; }
           // verify form exists and is fully protected
           window.wikidialog.pageQuery(actionParams.form, { name: , exists: , protected: , content:  }, function (data) {
               if ('error' in data) handleCondition(data.error + ': ' + window.wikidialog.safeHtml(actionParams.form), actionParams, editProtectCondition, true);
               else if (! data.exists) handleCondition('Edit form does not exist: <a href="' +
                                                       mw.util.getUrl(actionParams.form) + '" class="new">' +
                                           window.wikidialog.safeHtml(actionParams.form) + '</a>', actionParams, editProtectCondition, true);
               else if (! data.protected) handleCondition('Edit form is unsecured: <a href="' +
                                                          mw.util.getUrl(actionParams.form) + '">' +
                                              window.wikidialog.safeHtml(actionParams.form) + '</a>', actionParams, editProtectCondition, true);
               else editStepTwo(data.content, data.name);
   function processUrl(queryParams) {
       // assemble html
       var fields = ;
       var button = 'action=do&label=do'; // Template:Dialog/button
       for (var p in queryParams) {
           fields += 'cols=&rows=&' +
                           queryParams[p] + ''; // Template:dialog/textarea
           button += '&' + p + ':button-local-field-' + p;
       button += '&';

button = '

' + button + '


       var s = button + fields + 'Loading...';
       // deploy
       showHere(s, true);
       wikidialogShow(function () {
           var n = $('input.wikidialog-delegable, button.wikidialog-delegable'); // there's only the one
           n.unbind('click').click(function (event) {
                   // in some browsers, event target may be a copy lacking the data
                   window.wikidialog.delegateToSettingNewparams(primaryVerb, getButtonParams(n),
                       function (metadata) { return getButtonMetadata(n); });
   // receive query parameters
   if (! window.wikidialog.validIncoming()) {
       var queryParams = getQueryParams();
       if ('verb' in queryParams) processUrl(queryParams);
   // receive dialog parameters
   window.wikidialog.receiveAnonymous(function () {
       var actionParams = this;
       var actionVerb = actionParams.verb;
       if ($('div.wikidialog-rewritten').length == 0) showHere('Loading...', true);
       if (! actionVerb) doView(actionParams);
       else if (actionVerb == 'view') doView(actionParams);
       else if (actionVerb == 'edit') doEdit(actionParams);
       else                           doView(actionParams);


$.getScript( // MediaWiki:Dialog/receive

   mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?title=' + mw.util.wikiUrlencode('MediaWiki:Dialog/receive') +
