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/* For Wikinews:Dialog/echo. See Special:WhatLinksHere/Wikinews:Dialog/echo. */

function reservedParams() { return { 'DIALOG-ECHO-VERSION': '0.3 (2015-11-10)' }; }

function primaryVerb() {

   function doEcho(actionParams, authData, other) {
       function handleRollback() {
           if (window.wikidialog.rollback()) return;
           alert("Sorry, something's gone wrong; unable to go back using this button.");
       // message at the top
       var s = 'Echo dialog data';
       if (window.wikidialog.canRollback()) {

s += '\n

To return to the previous display, use this button: ' + 'x' + '; or the "back" navigation function on your browser.


       // data fields
       for (var p in actionParams) {
           if (actionParams[p]) {

s += '\n


' + p + ':


' + window.wikidialog.safeHtml(actionParams[p]) + '


           } else {

s += '\n


' + p + '


       // authentication

s += '\n


'; s += '\n

origin: ' + authData.origin + '

'; s += '

proxy: ' + authData.proxy + '


       // other
       if (other.length > 0) {

s += '\n



           for (var k = 0; k < other.length; k++) {
               if (k > 0) s += ',';
               s += '
' + other[k]; } } // // message at the bottom //

s += '\n


' +

           'To examine dialog states currently stored, you can consult the <a href="' +
           mw.util.getUrl(mw.config.get('wgSiteName') + ':Dialog/diagnostic panel') +
           '">diagnostic panel</a>; if you have just arrived here, ' +
           'the most recently listed dialog state on the panel should be the one ' +
           "you got here from.  The data set shown here won't be listed on the " +
           "panel, but should be accessible using the panel's expert mode.";
       // show
       $('.wikidialog-echo-rollback').replaceWith(function () {
           return $(document.createElement('input')).attr('type','button')
       function () {
           var actionParams = this;
           var r = reservedParams();
           for (var p in r) {
               actionParams[p] = r[p];
           var authData = arguments[0];
           var other = [];
           for (var k = 1; k < arguments.length; k++) {
               other[k - 1] = arguments[k];
           doEcho(actionParams, authData, other);


$.getScript( // MediaWiki:Dialog/receive

   mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?title=' + mw.util.wikiUrlencode('MediaWiki:Dialog/receive') + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript',
