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Talk:"Creationism and intelligent design have no place in the UK science curriculum" says UK Government

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Latest comment: 17 years ago by Alexandr Snajdar in topic Highly unorthodox article

Highly unorthodox article

  1. rather POV headline, don't ya think?
  2. use of first-person as in "we can read"; is this a narrative?
  3. creative use of a discussion board as a source. Can't the gov't position be found anywhere else?

-- 13:23, 26 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

ad 1) I feel that the headline express well the Her Majesty's Government position
ad 2) pls, improve - I did my best and do not feel that I could make better
ad 3) the "discussion board" is an official means of HMG to communicate with UK citizens - it is, IMHO, equal to press release published on the web; but one may ask the e.g. the PM Office to write something more ...

-- Alexandr Snajdar 13:53, 26 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

  1. JQF fixed it
  2. I fixed it: changed "we can read" to "a spokesperson wrote"
  3. I'll concede that it does appear to be official government communications posted there, but I fixed pub field in the sources. -- 15:26, 26 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
looks much better now, indeed  :-) -- Alexandr Snajdar 06:20, 27 June 2007 (UTC)Reply