Talk:ETA declares permanent cease-fire

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Latest comment: 18 years ago by Frankie Roberto in topic Good article
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The "ETA Statement" section was translated and copywriten by Reuters thusly:

"Copyright 2006 Reuters. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed."

If that section is to be retained, it may need to be transltated and sourced so as not to infringe Reuters' claimed copyright.

Cspurrier removed the Reuters text (see note below about "removing large chunks of article", so I've unflagged the article. Karen 16:46, 23 March 2006 (UTC)Reply



I grabbed it from the listed CNN Source. I thought about that when I published. The text is available in snippets on other media outlets. At the time I published it was Breaking News. Perhaps we can grab the Esp version of RTA's statement and translate ourselves. I can't do this for a few hours, as I'm in class right now...--elliot_k 01:33, 23 March 2006 (UTC)Reply

Karen 02:02, 23 March 2006 (UTC) I forgot to sign my original post above.Reply
I'd do the translation, but my Spanish is very poor -- It's just typical of being Canadian. I saw the copyright notice when I made the edit to attribute the translation to Reuters. I think the translated "ETA Statement" section is nice to have, so even though I'm concerned about the infringement, I left it because the content isn't copyrighted, only the translation. It's unlikely that Reuters will be terribly upset about its re-use, but I'm glad to hear you may have the time in a few hours to update it. Thanks for you note! Karen 02:02, 23 March 2006 (UTC)Reply

Actually I'm having trouble locating the original statement by Eta. I wonder how Reuters got it. And indeed, I wonder why/if they do have copyright over the statement...? Note to self: Basque newspaper Gara --elliot_k 05:50, 23 March 2006 (UTC)Reply

Note about Edits on this article


When removing large chunks of text from the article, as Cspurrier has done please try and leave a note on the Talks page - rather than just in the Summary box. Removing the entire text of the transcript has rendered previous edits redundant and confusing.

The re-translation went well - thanks for the great work, Elliot. Karen 16:46, 23 March 2006 (UTC)Reply

Re cats: Apologies for not adding Categories before I published this last night. It was 3am and I envisaged someone else may do it for me. Thanks... --elliot_k 05:39, 23 March 2006 (UTC)Reply

Where does one get a list of the categories? I could hook into that and help classify more if I could find it. Karen 16:46, 23 March 2006 (UTC)Reply



Here is the text - in Spanish, from the GARA Newspaper.

Declaración de Euskadi Ta Askatasuna a Euskal Herria

ETA, organización socialista revolucionaria vasca de liberación nacional, desea mediante esta Declaración dar a conocer la siguiente decisión:

Euskadi Ta Askatasuna ha decidido declarar un alto el fuego permanente a partir de las 00:00 horas del 24 de marzo de 2006.

Reflexión de ETA

El objetivo de esta decisión es impulsar un proceso democrático en Euskal Herria para que mediante el diálogo, la negociación y el acuerdo, el Pueblo Vasco pueda realizar el cambio político que necesita. Superando el actual marco de negación, partición e imposición hay que construir un marco democrático para Euskal Herria, reconociendo los derechos que como pueblo le corresponden y asegurando de cara al futuro la posibilidad de desarrollo de todas las opciones políticas.

Al final de ese proceso los ciudadanos y ciudadanas vascas deben tener la palabra y la decisión sobre su futuro, dando así una solución democrática al conflicto.

ETA considera que corresponde a todos los agentes vascos desarrollar ese proceso y adoptar los acuerdos correspondientes al futuro de Euskal Herria, teniendo en cuenta su pluralidad y totalidad.

Los Estados español y francés deben reconocer los resultados de dicho proceso democrático, sin ningún tipo de injerencias ni limitaciones. La decisión que los ciudadanos y ciudadanas vascas adoptemos sobre nuestro futuro deberá ser respetada.

Llamamiento de ETA

Hacemos un llamamiento a todos los agentes para que actúen con responsabilidad y sean consecuentes ante el paso dado por ETA. Es tiempo de compromisos. Todos debemos asumir responsabilidades, para construir entre todos la solución democrática que el Pueblo vasco necesita. Es el momento de tomar decisiones de calado, pasando de las palabras a los hechos.

ETA hace un llamamiento a las autoridades de España y Francia para que respondan de manera positiva a esta nueva situación y para que no pongan obstáculos al proceso democrático, dejando de lado la represión y mostrando la voluntad de dar una salida negociada al conflicto.

Finalmente, hacemos un llamamiento a los ciudadanos y ciudadanas vascas en general y a los militantes de la Izquierda Abertzale en particular, para que se impliquen en este proceso y luchen por los derechos que como Pueblo nos corresponden.

Compromiso de ETA

ETA muestra su deseo y voluntad de que el proceso abierto llegue hasta el final, y así conseguir una verdadera situación democrática para Euskal Herria, superando el conflicto de largos años y construyendo una paz basada en la justicia. Nos reafirmamos en el compromiso de seguir dando pasos en el futuro acordes a esa voluntad y de seguir luchando hasta lograr los derechos de Euskal Herria.

La superación del conflicto, aquí y ahora, es posible. Ese es el deseo y la voluntad de ETA. -

En Euskal Herria, marzo de 2006

Euskadi Ta Askatasuna


Translated via Google Translating machine...


Declaration of Euskadi Ta Askatasuna to Euskal Herria ETA, socialist organization revolutionary Basoue of national liberation, wishes by means of this Declaration to present the following decision: Euskadi Ta Askatasuna has decided to declare a permanent cease-fire from the 00:00 hours of the 24 of March of 2006. Reflection of ETA the objective of this decision is to impel a democratic process in Euskal Herria so that by means of the dialogue, the negotiation and the agreement, the Basque Town can make the political change that needs. Surpassing the present frame of negation, partition and imposition it is necessary to construct to a democratic frame for Euskal Herria, recognizing the rights that as town corresponds to him and assuring facing the future the possibility development all the political options. At the end of that process the citizens and Basque citizens must have the word and the decision on their future, giving therefore a democratic solution to the conflict. ETA considers that it corresponds to all the Basque agents to develop that process and to adopt the agreements corresponding to the future of Euskal Herria, considering their plurality and totality. The States Spanish and French must recognize the results of this democratic process, without no type of interferences nor limitations. The decision that the citizens and Basque citizens we adopt on our future will have to be respected. Call of ETA Hacemos a call to all the agents so that they act with responsibility and is consequent before the step taken by ETA. It is time of commitments. All we must assume responsibilities, to construct between all the democratic solution that the Basque Town needs. It is the moment for making decisions from openwork, happening of the words to the facts. ETA makes a call to the authorities of Spain and France so that they respond of positive way to this new situation and so that they do not set up obstacles to the democratic process, leaving of side the repression and showing the will to give a negotiated exit to the conflict. Finally, we make a call to the citizens and Basque citizens in general and to the militants of the Abertzale Left in individual, so that they are implied in this process and they fight by the rights that as Town corresponds to us. Commitment of ETA ETA shows to its desire and will from which the open process arrives until the end, and thus to obtain to a true democratic situation for Euskal Herria, surpassing the conflict of long years and constructing a peace based on justice. We reaffirmed ourselves in the commitment to continue taking agreed steps in to that will and continuing fighting until obtaining the rights of Euskal Herria the future. The overcoming of the conflict, here and now, is possible. That is the desire and the will of ETA. - In Euskal Herria, March of 2006 Euskadi Ta Askatasuna E.T.A.

Good article


Was really glad to see this article as the main lead on the front page. It seems to be that it's a big, important story, and so it's good to see it getting attention here. Frankie Roberto 23:48, 23 March 2006 (UTC)Reply