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Talk:YouTube access returns to Thailand

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Latest comment: 17 years ago by in topic headline change

About this story


I am in Thailand and discovered I could access YouTube at around 1900 local time (1200 GMT). I checked with some colleagues and they confirmed that they could access it as well. The Nation story has the confirmation from MICT that YouTube is unblocked.

I did not, however, take time to find any content that might be blocked in Thailand, to test if YouTube's filtering is working. I did a cursory search for the original offending video, but couldn't find it amidst the possibly hundreds of "answer" videos uploaded that are in praise of the king. Wisekwai 13:39, 30 August 2007 (UTC)Reply

Excellent. Thunderhead - (talk) 21:12, 30 August 2007 (UTC)Reply

headline change


Shouldn't the headline read "YouTube access returns to Thailand? 02:09, 31 August 2007 (UTC)Reply