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This is the category for Areacategory. RSS

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This template makes an introduction and article list at the top of the category for any geographical category smaller than a country, such as a province, state, or city.




  • areatype=text is a generic name for the type of area (optional)
  • parent=text is the specific name of a larger area to which the area belongs (optional)
  • adjective=text is an adjective that can modify areatype; usually alternative to parent (optional)
  • pipe=text is a short name for the area, to use in the initial description sentence instead of {{PAGENAME}} (optional)
  • wikipedia=text is a Wikipedia page to link to (without the w: prefix), instead of {{PAGENAME}} (optional)
  • commons=text is a Commons page to link to (without the commons: prefix), instead of {{PAGENAME}} (optional)
  • locimage=Imagefilename is a locator image you want to display, minus the File: prefix (optional)
  • flagimage=Imagefilename is a flag image you want to display, minus the File: prefix (optional)
  • sealimage=Imagefilename is a seal image you want to display, minus the File: prefix; usually alternative to flagimage (optional)
  • sceneimage=Imagefilename is a scenic image you want to display, minus the File" prefix (optional)
  • scenetext=text is title text for the scenic image, if any (optional)



For Category:Alberta, one could use

{{Areacategory|areatype=province|parent=[[Canada]]|locimage=Alberta-map.png|flagimage=Flag of Alberta.svg}}

which should produce an introduction with initial text

This is the category for the province of Alberta in Canada.

Alternatively, one could use

{{Areacategory|areatype=province|adjective=[[Canada|Canadian]]|locimage=Alberta-map.png|flagimage=Flag of Alberta.svg}}

which should produce an introduction with initial text

This is the category for the Canadian province of Alberta.