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Place value unit converter

  • This template converts place value units
  • First argument is number
  • second argument is unit. accepted values are
    • u, unit, units for no units (this is also default if nonespecified)
    • k (note: t stands for trillion not thousand), thousand, thousands for 103
    • m, million, millions for 106
    • b, billion, billions for 109
    • t, trillion, trillions for 1012
    • Will sort of work for custom values too. (will say x103)
  • third unit is optional places to round to. its optional
  • Caveat: will only shift down or up one set of units. (see last example


{{Pvuc|200}} → 200

{{pvuc|20000|k}} → 20 million

{{pvuc|0.012|billion}} → 12 million

{{pvuc|0.012|units}} → 0.012

{{pvuc|1234.123|units}} → 1.234123 thousand

{{pvuc|1234.123|units|1...}} → 1.2 thousand

{{pvuc|234.123|units|-1...}} → 120

{{pvuc|1000000|m}} → 1,000 billion